The comic blogosphere seems to grow larger every day and just like comics, sometimes it's pretty easy to get a little lost. "Meanwhile..." will act as your map pointing out what interesting discussions are happening out there while you're reading the Great Curve.
Hey, remember me? I've been gone for the past couple of weeks, but I made it back safely from the set of Deliverance 2. I had a good time on vacation, but I'm glad to be back home. Thanks for Brian W. for doing an excellent job picking up the slack while I was gone. Now lets do it to it.
An Airwolf Anniversary
Happy 1 Year Anniversary to Dave's Long Box. It's hard to believe it's only been a year since Dave entered the blogging scene. Other bloggers might coast for a while after a year of blogging, but not Dave, no he instead educates us in the travesty that is the intentionally indecent design of the Mark V Sentinels.
Chris Sim's Vulnerable Emo Blog
I usually try to stay away from the web on April Fool's Day, this time I decided to check out what pranks people decided to play and see if any of them were any good or not. I found one that I found pretty entertaining from Chris Sim's who usually runs his Invincible Super Blog, but for one day, one wonderful day, his blog became Chris Sim's Vulnerable Emo Blog.
Michael Lark, Genius
At least Kevin Church and I think he's a genius. If you have any doubt in your mind that Michael Lark, artist on such books as Gotham Central and Captain America isn't talented then head over to Kevin's Genius Covers Sunday feature and get educated. Pick up Scene of the Crime while your at it.
Lois Lane, Emergency Counselor
Do you think you know Lois Lane? You do? Well Ragnell is here to show you that you really don't. Would your Lois Lane try to get a suicide case to jump off a building? I guess Superman isn't the only one who's a $&@#!
By The Power of The Oceanscape, I Have the Power!!!
Laura proves her fan mettle by going above and beyond the call of duty in order to construct a gift for Kurt Busiek, current Aquaman scribe. She made a real Sword of Atlantis and presented it to him at the Emerald City Con. Pretty cool.
Wow. H of Comic Treadmill fame found a comic even I've never heard of. If you're as clueless about Starfire (No, not the one you're thinking of. This one is a "Woman Rebel in An Enslaved World.") as I am then check out Starfire Part 1 and Part 2.
Got A Question, Pilgrim?
Hey, check it out. Bryan Lee O'Malley, creator of Scott Pilgrim, answers his fan's questions at his Livejournal. 3 Pages of Them!!! Thanks to Christopher Butcher for the head up. Want to see something else cool? I have a Scott Pilrim watercolor painting.
Don't Let The Commies Beat Us To It
Did you know Namor The Sub-Mariner has Radar Eyes? What about the fact that Alicia once passed as Sue Storm and the FF didn't realize it? You'll learn all about those little incidents and more at Comics Should Be Good as they were decent enough to post The Ten Goofiest Plot Points of the First Ten Issues of the Fantastic Four.
Obvious Wannabe Witty Title Here
Long Drawn Out Paragraph Just to Set Up a Hyperlink.
Sleestack at Lady That's My Skull brings us a few entertaining posts this week. First up is a look at how the real world may be conforming to the comic book world in a case of life imitating art. Then on a lighter note we can check out Joe Kubert artwork in PS Magazine.
A Post About Postcards
I'm sure by now everyone has seen the creepy yet facinating blog Post Secret where people send in postcards with secrets on them. Now Jason Rodriguez is starting an anthology called Postcards. Here's the idea in his own words,
"Each creative team will be presented with different postcards and they will choose one that inspires them and they will complete the story behind the card. It can be about the person who received it, the person who sent it, the person mentioned in the card - the team can go thirty years into the future and catch us up on what transpired since the card was sent - whatever the team feels is the story to this card, they will tell it."
Could postcards be becoming popular again? Only time will tell.
Vronk! Zlonk! Splatt!
Aieeeee! Arrgh! Awk! clank-est! Bloop!
Horror Gets a Makeover
Interested in horror? Well the boys at Dark But Shining are too and they'll tell you all about it at their spiffy new site with new columns, writers, and a whole new design.
Melrose Place (I'm sure he's never heard that one.)
Kevin Melrose has been busy. In addition to contributing here at The Curve occasionally, he's started a new blog dedicated to cover design titled Comics, Covered, helped to launch the new Comic Foundry Magazine with an interview with James Jean, and still posts ocassionally at his other blog Supernaturally. And to think he used to say that Thought Balloons kept him busy.
All Star Reviews
I don't know how Jog looks at each book he reviews and gets so much out of it. I wish I could read the way he does, but I just can't. Where I see Superman punching out a villain he'll see some deeper symbolic moment that is full of emotion and takes the comic form to new undrempt of heights. Read his recent reviews of All Star Superman #3 and Iron-Man #6 to see what I mean.
Man of Adamantium
You want online comic journalism? You want someone to ask the questions everyone else is afraid to ask? Well Mike Sterling is the man for the job. Let him take you on a journey into the underbelly of the net to find the answer to the ages old question "Can Superman break adamantium?".

This week's illustration site is the blog of Fabio Moon and Gabriel Ba the talent behind such works as Rock 'N Roll, Casanova, De:TALES, Roland, Ursula, and Smoke and Guns. Fabio and Gabriel give us a peek into their creative process each day often with an inspirational message to other creators. Check out their blog and maybe you'll get inspired too.
That does it for this week. I promise I won't take off again for so long anytime soon. Till next time. Peace.
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