Slave Labor vs. Punk Planet, round 2
Slave Labor Graphics Editor-in-Chief Jennifer de Guzman provides an update on her ongoing debate with Punk Planet's Anne Elizabeth Moore about the Slave Labor/Disney deal we blogged about yesterday:
Dear Anne:
I will have to accept your word that your article was meant in "good humor," though it certainly does not strike me, nor several people who read it as such. The underlying criticism of the piece is not the problem. I understand why people would be leery about an independent publisher making a deal with Disney, but their concerns can be easily assuaged with a clear representation of the facts. The problem I have with your article is that you mostly create the "bad news" by leaving out facts, which is just as bad as getting facts wrong. Actually, it is worse, because it points to a manipulation of your audience's point of view by not giving them the full picture, or as much is possible in a short article. As I wrote, the simple use of a phrase like "for now," as well as the logical leap you take in the final paragraph, seem to reveal an attempt to undermine the truth of what Dan told you. I would like to make it very clear to your readers that SLG's creator-owned comics cannot be in any way affected by Disney without the permission of their creators. You do not do that in your article, but rather insinuate the opposite.
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