
Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Wildstorm talent search

Wildstorm will hit WizardWorld L.A. later this month in search of a new studio mate, and over at the Gelatometti blog Ale Garza is offering up advice on how to win:

A few tips from a guy whose started here, currently works here, and will also be one of the judges deciding who wins :)

First off, bring only your best. It takes about a single page sometimes to be able to tell if someone's got it. I've reviewed many a portfolio, where there is just tons and tons of stuff, from the artists past ten years of drawing. Honestly, usually, all you need are three to four sequential pages of art. To be safe, try to include characters that are recognizable. Luckily for all of you entering, you have a script to work from, yay!

Next, be open to criticism. Even if you don't win this show. Take what you hear, go home, and apply it to your art. The best thing I did was take the pointers I got from my first show attended, took it home, and practiced everything I was told. By my next show I was more prepared, and soon thereafter started getting job offers :) Especially be open to criticism, because if you just so happen to win. We at the studio are oftentimes most critical with each other, and for you, look as your three month prize as a comic art boot camp, lol!

Read more at the blog, or read the official rules over at the WizardWorld site.


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