Adventures Underground talks to Colleen Coover
The online bookstore Adventures Underground recently chatted with Banana Sunday creator Colleen Coover:
Logan Kaufman: You broke into comics by sending a packet of work to Kim Thompson at Fantagraphics, and were welcomed aboard with open arms. Sounds like the easiest thing in the world.
Colleen Coover: The easy part was sending in the packet to Kim. But it contained over 100 pages of finished art that took a year and a half to draw! That's like four issues worth of material done before we got started! So, no, not easy. I am occasionally asked ny new comics artists how to get published, and I always tell them, "you have to FINISH something." It's difficult to spend a long time writing and drawing a comic without knowing if it's going to be picked up by a publisher, but that's the only way to show that you can get the job done.
Read the whole interview.
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