
Sunday, March 05, 2006

NYCC Residue

It's been a week now since the New York Comicon wrapped up, but it's still being talked about around the comics world. Here are a few more bits from New York's first (and most controversial) con in many moons:

Blair Butler of G4's Attack of the Show spoke with Brian K. Vaughn and Brian Michael Bendis; go check out the video and hear her talk about the "nerd riot" when people couldn't get in.

Joe Quesada answers questions about the con over at Newsarama:

I was listening to skeptics say that they weren’t sure how this show was going to be and I’ve been on record saying that if we bring it to New York City the fans will come. They’ve been starving for something like this for years, and more importantly the comics industry is exploding again. We’re on the mend and coming back in a very big way.

That said, it was good and bad news. The bad is that con operators weren’t ready for us. They just had no idea how many people were going to show up, and in many ways it’s understandable. The amazing news is that it was an incredible show of strength and health for a medium that folks were predicting the death of.

On the bright side, I know this won’t happen next year because the folks at Reed Exhibitions are too smart to not be prepared next year. What does concern me are those fans that traveled to the show and got shut out - they’re the ones that we have to try to coerce back.

Fractal Matter also has a con report up from former comic-con virgin Casey Cosker:

At one point, I looked over Mark Bagley’s shoulder at the Marvel panel. He was looking at completed pages for the Dark Tower comic by Stephen King. I didn’t get much of a look before he told me I wasn’t allowed to see the top secret Marvel documents, but I can say they were beautiful, and that they do illustrate an expanded version of the gunslinger’s childhood. I even spoke with Richard Isanove about coloring for Stephen King’s story.

Overall, I had a great time. As I’ve said, this was my first convention, and I was more than a little overwhelmed at first. But I had a great time, and I met a lot of people, and I even interviewed some. All together, it was a great convention. I can only hope that New York Comic Con continues for many years to come.

And if you're looking for pictures, Comic Book Resources, PopCultureShock and The Beat have your hook up.


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