
Thursday, March 09, 2006

Trailer Trash

I'm on the side of good Flash presentations. Yes. I realize the headline is a little harsh. Following Marvel's wunderkind X-Men 3 trailer earlier this week, has posted their top of the line Civil War Flash trailer that originally debuted at New York Comic-Con. Maybe I just expect too much being that they're Marvel and one would think a trailer for their biggest event of 2006 should look a wee bit better than something that an intern (nothing against interns, mind you, I realize they make the world go round) was given a scanner and a copy of Flash and told to throw together a few days before New York, but even the black bleeding eyes or tears or whatever they are just little bit off anchor from the picture onto which they were tacked. In fact, I'm pretty sure I learned less about the series than I usually do from page previews.


At 3/09/2006 07:28:00 PM, Blogger Dean Trippe said...

yeah that trailer sucks hard. and captain america's shield splattered with blood is the icon? wtf. gross.

the thing that gets me about the series is how great the interior art looks compared to the crappy covers. i mean, obviously the turner ones are horrible, but even the mcniven ones look weak and boring compared to the interiors.


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