Seth Green: Actor, comic writer, action figure fan has a lengthy interview up with actor/Freshmen writer Seth Green on his love of Star Wars:
"I remember vividly being a four-year-old kid and being taken to the movie theater in 1978 and seeing all the desert scenes for Tatooine, and then I saw C-3PO and Artoo and thinking they were the most amazing things I'd ever seen," Green says. "I was so excited that there were toys of them so I could carry them in my pocket wherever I went. A New Hope was the first one I'd seen and of course I had never seen anything like that before. And when I saw The Empire Strikes Back, I was in for good."
"It was amazing storytelling, and it's a great movie that still holds up today," Green continues. "And it made me love everything about it. I just didn't connect with other kinds of movies like I did with Star Wars. Here was this fantastic adventure with all these aliens -- and not to mention the spaceships, and fighting with electric swords -- which are all the things a boy loves. Plus the film has good guys having to do crazy stuff to resist an ultimate evil. It's all really fun and appealing especially when you're a kid."
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