
Monday, March 13, 2006 covers manga subgenre "yaoi" has a story up on manga at the New York Comicon, specifically "yaoi," a "burgeoning subgenre of guy-guy romance comics":

That word, pronounced "yow-ee," is a Japanese acronym for a series of words that can be translated as "no peak, no climax, no meaning." What it refers to is a burgeoning subgenre of guy-guy romance comics, written by women for a female audience. The New York Comic-Con even held a yaoi panel called Brokeback Manga, hosted by Kai-Ming Cha of PW Comics Week, who wore an "I (Heart)Boys" T-shirt for the occasion.

"Yaoi is perfect for post-shojo readers," said Masumi O'Donnell, publisher of "Be Beautiful," a yaoi line of comics aimed at women 18 and over. "It gives very romantic stories and romantic situations and plots, but these are very impossibly beautiful men. Women like looking at beautiful men, and that's why I thought this would be a very popular genre."


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