DC Comics announces more Absolutes
DC Comics announced their trade paperback line-up for July and August today, with two new Absolute editions highlighting the list ... from the press release:
Two new Absolute editions — ABSOLUTE KINGDOM COME and ABSOLUTE DARK KNIGHT — are among the highlights of DC Comics’ list new collected editions scheduled to arrive in stores in July and August.
Scheduled to arrive in stores in July, the ABSOLUTE KINGDOM COME HC
Collects the immortal work written by Mark Waid and illustrated by Alex Ross, with Ross providing a brand-new cover painting. The two-volume, slipcased set, coming for the tenth anniversary of the original miniseries’ debut, includes an extended character sketch section, a peek into Ross's own sketchbook, text pieces by Waid and Ross, annotations of the entire series, rare art (from magazines, trading cards, T-shirts, the novelization and more), promotional images, a gallery of DC Direct KINGDOM COME products, the evolution of a story page, and much more!
And coming in August, the ABSOLUTE DARK KNIGHT collects both THE DARK KNIGHT RETURNS, written by Frank Miller and illustrated by Miller & Klaus Janson, and THE DARK KNIGHT STRIKES AGAIN, written and illustrated by Miller. This two-volume, slipcased Absolute edition contains all previous collection covers, retail posters, excerpts of press coverage, and sketchbook material originally seen only in the tenth anniversary edition of THE DARK KNIGHT RETURNS, along with never-before-seen material such as the plot to issue #4 of THE DARK KNIGHT RETURNS, excerpts of scripts to THE DARK KNIGHT STRIKES AGAIN, and a generous sketch section! In addition, Miller provides a new introduction, a new cover, and new art for the slipcase!

Our friends at Newsarama have the complete list of July/August trades.
Well, hell. I knew they were going to do this. I've been dreaming about an "Absolute Dark Knight Returns" ever since I saw the amazing Absolute Watchmen. And now they're going to make me buy the crappy Dark Knight sequel too? Almost makes me reconsider the purchase. At least it's 2 volumes -- I wonder how many "Absolute DK2" copies will flood eBay in August?
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