
Sunday, March 12, 2006

20 Questions For You All For the 3/8 Comic Week

I am sure there are some spoilers involved in the following 20 questions. Feel free to answer or not - some of them ARE rhetorical, after all...

1. When's the last time a last issue bailed out a mini-series as much as the last issue of Mister Miracle did?

2. When Kirby and Lee invented Lockjaw, do you think they intended him to be a dog or an Inhuman who looked like a dog?

3. Did you know that the end of the ABC line was coming out this week? Isn't that, like, a sorta big deal not to be made a bigger deal out of it?

4. How sad is it that a piece of minutae that Geoff Johns addressed in this week's Titans is actually something I, myself, have wondered about? I have seen the enemy - and it's me.

5. Is Christian Walker dead?

6. Do you think Deena Pilgrim was actually gonna kill the Internal Affairs cop?

7. On a scale of 1 to 10, with "Foreign exclamations to show that a character is foreign" being 1 and "Historic speeches used as narration" being a 10, where would you rank the comedian narrative device in Powers on the "crappy narrative device" chart?

8. Sooooo....any chance Genis is ACTUALLY dead?

9. Do Black Bolt and Medusa still have a son, or is he written out of continuity?

10. Did you know that Jessica Jones was on the rocketship with the Fantastic Four when they gained their powers?

11. Rank the first issues of the following four series: Y The Last Man, Fables, 100 Bullets and American Virgin. Which was your favorite first issue?

12. What romance revitizalized the comic more - Peter/Kitty in Ultimate Spider-Man or Wally/Linda in Flash?

13. Would you pick up a comic drawn by this guy?

14. Did you enjoy the X3 trailer?

15. Is there anyone you DON'T want to see die in the comic book Girls?


16. Favorite current Brian Wood comic!

17. Favorite current Rick Remender comic!

18. Least favorite current Ed Brubaker comic!

19. Least favorite Seven Soldiers book!

20. Least favorite Generation X student!


At 3/12/2006 03:56:00 AM, Blogger Dean Trippe said...

1. When's the last time a last issue bailed out a mini-series as much as the last issue of Mister Miracle did?

I'm not sure, but the 'end' of the JSA: Classified kick off--Power Girl story--made all Amanda Conner's amazing art feel like a waste. :(

2. When Kirby and Lee invented Lockjaw, do you think they intended him to be a dog or an Inhuman who looked like a dog?

You just blew my mind.

3. Did you know that the end of the ABC line was coming out this week? Isn't that, like, a sorta big deal not to be made a bigger deal out of it?

Man, that WAS a shock, but what a great ending. Cheers to Mr. Moore for an amazing job making a fully realized superhero universe and closing it out with style! Too bad DC didn't let the imprint go out when it should've.

10. Did you know that Jessica Jones was on the rocketship with the Fantastic Four when they gained their powers?

Hehehe. :)

12. What romance revitizalized the comic more - Peter/Kitty in Ultimate Spider-Man or Wally/Linda in Flash?

Peter and Kitty. But Linda's never felt all that important to me. Two estranged mutant superheroes getting back together is majorly geektastic.

14. Did you enjoy the X3 trailer?

Well, the new one left out most of the crappy junk from the last one, so I guess. But I already know Storm spins around like a top (or...tornado...I guess...ugh) to fight some baddies, so
it was hard to get too psyched up as they explained that they were going to tarnish Joss Whedon's Astonishing story.

18. Least favorite current Ed Brubaker comic!

Uncanny. Already.

19. Least favorite Seven Soldiers book!

Miracle Man. But I'm picky as hell about costume revamps.

20. Least favorite Generation X student!

M! She's so snooty! Gosh!

At 3/13/2006 02:56:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

1. Marvel Universe: The End.

2. I think they wanted to pay their rent for that month.

3. Well, uh... it's not THE end... there's still some issues coming out and WildStorm still owns the rights.

5. No.

6. She's a woman in a Bendis comic in 2006.

7. Five.

8. No. I'm also rather annoyed that this is something I predicted since issue #6, that Genis would become too powerful. Did Nicieza really need to take this long building to it?

9. In DD #282, Karnak tells Daredevil that "We'll take him... home" which may mean his adoptive mother or Attlian. I assume the former. I think Marvel just wants to forget about it. For now.

11. 100 Bullets.

12. Peter/Kitty. Waid drained the blood out of the Wally/Linda stone long before Johns took over.

13. Fuckamagee, yes!

14. You bet!

17. Strange Girl.

18. Brubaker just sucks.

19. Guardian.

20. Synch.

At 3/13/2006 06:48:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

2. Dog

5. No, he's immortal.

8. I hope not, I like Genis.

9. Still have, but writers are currently wise enough to shut up about it till he has hair on his chin.

10. Nope

19. Mr Miracle, but it's the only one I'm getting right now, so that kinda narrows it down.

20. Gaia. It was nearly Mondo for the terrible waste of character, but Gaia just takes it by far.

At 3/17/2006 04:35:00 AM, Blogger MarkAndrew said...

1. Mister Miracle was great. All the way through. Poop on you all. Poop!

2. He's a damn dog. Duh.

3. There's still an ABC line? Who knew?

4. I ALWAYS said that Geoff Johns should write Pogo. But, then again, I'm certifiably insane and bathe in penguin entrails.

5. ... No.. I'm thinking Christian Slater. Who's Christian Walker. Tom Sutton is dead.

6. Oh yeah. I know who you mean now . I dropped Powers, though.

7. I flipped through it, though. The comedian didn't bug me, much.

8. Who?

9. When? Didn't in the Lee/Kirby stuff.

10. Actually, I bet she's Ben Grimm, time displaced, amnesiac, and sex-changed. (I should SO run Marvel.)

11. Fables (1), American Virgin(2) 100 Bullets (3) Y: The Last Man (4)

Fables had a cool concept to start with, though I got bored fast. American Virgin was alright, 100 Bullets EVENTUALLY turned into my favorite mainstream comic, but I didn't dig the first one, and Y... just always blew.

12. Peter/Kitty's cute, but soooo cross-continuity-y. I don't read the Flash.

13.. Yer site's down.

14. The what now? Hey! Spider-man 2 was great! I saw it on video last week.

15. Any pirate or monkey characters, if applicable.

16. Demo? There's more than one? Is Demo being currently published.

17. Captain America? Sleeper? Are both of THOSE still being published?

18. Who?

19. HATED the first two issues of Guardian. H-a-t-e-d.

20. That annoying prissy one. Shit. I've READ some Generation X, and I know what they look like, but I dunno any of their names.


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