Expendable: Q&A with Jason Burns
With a new gig as assistant publisher at Viper Comics, a graphic novel due to drop in April and a TV project in the works with Marc Summers, Jason Burns was kind enough to give us the lowdown on how busy his life has become in recent months:
JK: Thanks for talking to us, Jason. You're writing Viper's first original graphic novel, The Expendable One, which comes out in April. What can you tell us about it?
Burns: We’re putting the graphic back in graphic novel with this one, that’s for sure. The story centers on an average bloke named Twigs Dupree who winds up with the gift of immortality ... and not just the living forever kind. You can literally do whatever you want to him and he’ll just keep on keeping on. Because of his new powers, Twigs decides to play hero, stopping local robberies and things like that, but when a serial killer whom some believe to be a werewolf shows up in town, Twigs is recruited by the sexy Agent Armstrong to help bring him down. And yes, there is a lot of blood and gore, but I like to think it’s handled with some fun attached.
JK: How did you hook up with Viper? What about the artist, Bryan Baugh?
Burns: I had been working with Viper already on a couple of projects, so when I brought them The Expendable One, they were receptive to it because we had been working together. I originally hooked up with Viper by accident really. I was a journalist and had interviewed Viper founder Jessie Garza. I had been working on a screenwriting career at the time, and he had an opening in Dead@17: Rough Cut, Volume I. I submitted a story, they accepted. That’s really how it all happened.
I hooked up with Bryan Baugh just because I was familiar with his work after being sent a link to his web site. I really liked his art style, especially for The Expendable One, so I wrote him and the rest is history. People can actually check out some of his stuff at www.cryptlogic.net.
JK: You were recently named assistant publisher of Viper Comics. What will you be doing in your new role?
Burns: I’ll be editing books, handling various public relations and marketing duties, giving insight on new project prospects, and a number of other things that will be more defined as I get more comfortable in the new role.
JK: Besides the Expendable One and the upcoming Dead@17 ongoing, what other cool projects does Viper have in the works?
Burns: Yes, it’s going to be a big year for Viper. Along with the Dead@17 ongoing, fans can expect books in a number of genres, from all-ages fare, to noir, to horror. I think as we get further into 2006 and start announcing projects, I think people will be pleasantly surprised with the properties falling under the Viper label.
JK: What are your thoughts on Speakeasy's demise? Will Viper be doing anything different as a result?
Burns: It’s always sad to see companies having to close up shop in this business, but it’s never a surprise. It’s a tough business and there aren’t as many readers as there were yesterday, and tomorrow there won’t be as many readers as there are today, unless we figure out how to rope in non-comic fans. Viper will continue to do what they’ve always done, release quality projects that they believe in.
JK: Are you writing the blog for "Twigs" over on the Viper Comics site? How did that come about? What else are you doing to help publicize the book?
Burns: Yes, I’ve been writing the blog over at the site and I did it because I thought it would be a great way for readers to connect with the character before the book even came out. And for me, it’s fun because it’s kind of like writing a prequel to the book.
I’ve been taking the usual route in publicizing the book, but I also set up a Myspace account and have found that to be a great way to connect with readers. I’ve already met some amazing comic fans through that, and I look forward to continuing the page and having people reach out to me if they read the book and love or hate it. It’s a great way to communicate with readers.
JK: What other comic-related projects are you working on?
Burns: I have a number of projects in the works, including the soon to be released mini-series "A Dummy’s Guide To Danger" by Viper Comics (July) and "Museum of Terror," also by Viper Comics (September). I have lots on the horizon, so definitely stay tuned.
JK: What can you tell us about your "day job" as a music journalist? Does that influence your comic work?
Burns: I absolutely think it influences my work. I’m such a big fan of music and being a journalist that I actually convinced the publisher into letting me run an interview with a band in The Expendable One graphic novel. Scary Kids Scaring Kids is a popular post-hardcore/punk band out of Arizona, and they also happened to be comic fans growing up, so we hooked it up and made it happen. I’d like to bring music into comics as much as I can, and if the interview concept is well received, I hope to continue that with each of my projects.
JK: I read that you're working with Marc Summers on a TV project. As a closet Double Dare fan, I have to ask, what can you tell us about working with Marc?
Burns: Marc is awesome. He’s just a really down-to-earth guy and he’s a smart businessman. It’s funny because I grew up on Double Dare, so in a lot of ways, Marc was the voice of my childhood in the same way characters like Big Bird and Optimus Prime were. I mean, who didn’t want to take a physical challenge or run through the obstacle course? Seriously, it’s been a blast working with Marc, and I look forward to a long professional relationship with him.JK: So if Marc doesn't like you’re answer to one of his questions, do you get slimed?
Burns: I actually slime myself nightly. It saves me the embarrassment of having to ask!
JK: With everything you have going on -- TV, music journalist, etc., why comics? Have you always been a fan?
Burns: Yup ... always been a fan and will continue to be. I think the industry is in a great place creatively right now, and the more I read, the more I enjoy what’s happening. I do think we need to bring in more readers, but that’s a subject everyone can agree on.For more info on The Expendable One:
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