20 Questions For You All For the 2/1 Comic Week
I am sure there are some spoilers involved in the following 20 questions. Feel free to answer or not - some of them ARE rhetorical, after all...
Silly blogger froze on me, or else I'd have this for y'all last night!
1. In Bulleteer #3, is Thumbelina working with the Sheeda?
2. Imagine years from now, if all of our literature was lost to the people of the future except a copy of Avengers: Galactic Storm Vol. 1, do you think the people of the future would wonder how we ever made it out of the 20th Century?
3. Please note that Galactic Storm and Infinity War are being collected, but not a single issue of Mark Millar's Swamp Thing. What other comics (that are not tied up in legal problems) are you amazed have not been collected yet?
4. Which of the late, great Seth Fisher's works did you enjoy the most?
5. Check this cover out. Is that Shift or Metamorpho?
6. Look at the cover again. The bottom right silhouette...that's gotta be Fred from Scooby Doo, right!? That has GOT to be a neckerchief, right?!
7. So long as we're playing "Guess the silhouettes," who do you think are the other members of the new Doom Patrol on this cover?
8. Let me get this straight...Iris Allen is Wally's aunt on his father's side, right? So Ira Allen is Wally's grandfather, right? And Ira Allen is still alive, right? So why didn't Wally EVER mention the fact that his grandfather was alive, living in the same city (or the city next door, whichever)?!
9. On a scale from 1-10, 1 being "a good death" and 10 being "an awfully lame death," where would you rank the big death in Rann Thanagar Infinite Crisis War Special?
10. By the by, does anyone know whose idea it was to do the whole Ion thing in this issue? It doesn't seem to be Dave Gibbons, and it sounds like Ron Marz was put on to the project after the idea had already been determined, so...who came up with the Ion idea? Anyone know?
11. Fury: Peacemaker #1 was good, I thought. What is the best Ennis war comic that you have read?
12. After reading Captain America #14, do you think that the cosmic cube MADE Bucky live or was he already alive?
13. Which of the One Year Later titles are you looking forward to the most?
14. Who has had better comic books? Star Wars or Dr. Who?
15. Why doesn't Cliff Chiang have an ongoing comic yet? Check out this week's Detective Comics (nice story by Shane McCarthy, as well)...good lord, he is amazing!
16. Whose art do you like more: Mike Mignola or Richard Corben?
17. Which Outsider do you hate less: Thunder or Grace?
18. Are you planning on buying the Next Wave Director's Cut?
19. Do you think Spider-Girl would have a chance at defeating Squirrel Girl?
20. Who is a better detective? Batman or Elongated Man?
#9 - 5
#13 - Catwoman. Followed by Aquaman. Of the really new comics, Shadowpact.
#17 - Grace. I actually, really like her.
#20 - I always thought Elongated Man was, but Batman's caught up, I guess.
3. Chichester's early Daredevils (292-300) are very good and feature the FIRST fall of the Kingpin. Plus, pretty art by Weeks.
The Moench-Jones Batmans. Those beautiful pretentious bastards.
11. Whatever issues of Hitman that had the boys going mercenary in Africa somewhere.
15. Maybe Chiang is a dick. I'm just saying.
16. Mignola.
1. Ooooh, good point.
2. Well, I hate to spit on Mark Gruenwald's grave... but wait, no I don't. Yes. However, Harras' ending for the series is surprisingly ballsy.
3. Millar's ST isn't collected because he is not very well liked by DC brass. I'm shocked SOME sort of Suicide Squad or Five Year Gap LOSH isn't out.
Why are they collecting Infinity War? Even Starlin admits he fucked that up.
4. Happydale: Devils in the Desert- it's like watching an old 80s indie flick you see one Saturday night ten years ago on old-school Bravo, thinking, "What the fuck IS this?" yet loving it anyway, and scouring the video stories for beat up copies to rent.
5. Shift.
7. Wait, that's the freakin' DOOM PATROL? Geoff, you old scamp!
9. SHAYERRRRRRAAAAAAAAAA!!! And 10, if only because it's going to fuel another worthless Ron Marz comic.
10. HACK!
11. The Big Red One. I realize that is a Samuel Fuller film and not an Ennis comic.
12. I say Made.
13. Firestorm. He walked out of a fuckin' NUKE!
14. That would require me to have read some Dr. Who comics to make that judgment. But I'll say... Star Wars. "Lo, the Moons of YAVIN!!"
Hey, who noticed Rags Morales swiped a sequence from the Thomas/Chaykin adaptation of SW in DC Countdown?
15. Maybe he's slow? Of course, at Marvel, if he was that slow he'd be on two books.
18. No.
19. Well, at least Squirrel Girl's writer KNOWS it's a joke.
2. They'd wonder, but they'd still pay a fortune for it on Ebay.
3. Richie Rich. Pasko Swamp Things. X-Men reprints (67-93).
12. Must be the cube. How else can Bucky survive? He has no superpowers (unless he secretly did something with Cap when they shared a tent). But it isn't written that way.
14. Dr Who must die, but at least he doesn't suck.
20. Elongated Man was. Who cares now?
6. Isn't that Captain Boomerang?
Why are they collecting the Infinity minis from Marvel? Simple: to steal some thunder from Infinite Crisis by releasing the trades at the same time when fans are picking up anything with Infinite in the title.
8. Ira showed up in Mark Waid's "Flash Year One." He was a major part of the framing sequence.
" 8. Ira showed up in Mark Waid's "Flash Year One." He was a major part of the framing sequence."
Okay, but then, only a few issues later, Wally does not even celebrate Christmas with him, but with Jay Garrick instead?
16. Mignola.
18. Yup. As I don't do much superheroes in general, I'm not really familiar with the concept, but since Nextwave #1 was fun and it doesn't cost that much I decided to sample that one.
3. Skrull Kill Krew, it's Morrison and Millar, you would expect them to cash into that.
5. Shift
9. A good solid 8.
10. Ah with a bit of luck he'll manifest Jade's (lack of) personality and characteristics and we have a Morrison-type Rebis again. Nah.. they would never go for it.
14. Star Wars, but I have read few Dr. Who comics and they were unimpressive.
16. Mignola
17. Thunder, nothing to hate about the complete void of her being.
18. No, I have the regular issue already and am not made of money.
19. NEVER!
20. Elongated Man, he at least does some detecting.
2. It would raise some doubts.
3. Post "Great Darkness Saga" Levitz era Legion, and 5 Years Later. Skrull Kill Krew, Messner Loebs' Flash, Aztek.
4.Flash: Time Flies.
11. No such thing. Ennis writes shitty war stories. Read WITH THE OLD BREED by Eugene B. Sledge, THE GREAT WAR AND MODERN MEMORY, WARTIME and DOING BATTLE, all by Paul Fussell and THE CRASH OF RUIN and THE GI WAR AGAINST JAPAN by Peter Schrijvers.
14. Walt Simonson drew some excellent issues of Marvel's Star Wars series so I'll go with that.
15. Maybe he's a bit too painstaking with his art and needs a light deadline. DC should get him to do a Graphic novel or an annual, maybe.
16. It depends on the story. I'd prefer Mignola for horror but Corben for slice-of-life stuff.
18. No.
20. Batman, but Ralph's more fun.
"Okay, but then, only a few issues later, Wally does not even celebrate Christmas with him, but with Jay Garrick instead?
Well, one of the big plot points in FY1 was that Wally felt uncomfortable around his grandfather since his Aunt "died"...but point taken
20. How is this even a question, Elongated Man's the better detective. It's not even debatable. Elongated Man busts criminals who are not trying to get caught or noticed. Batman busts criminals who have a blatant theme to their modus operandi (birds, cats, duality, etc.) and deliberately leave clues for him. Combine the fact that his rogues' have themes to their crimes that are public knowledge and that he also had a lot of help from Deus Ex Machina of detecting Oracle in the 90s and you realize that Batman's detecting really isn't that impressive at all.
Ralph all the way.
Infinity War is being collected because of the big cosmic push with Annihilation. Which Starlin isn't participating in. But Keith Giffen is. So it could go either way.
8. I seem to recall at some point during Waid's run, Ira and Iris were in contact, sorted out the whole "you're dead, wha?" thing, and were on good terms.
20. Batman. He figured out Jean Loring killed Sue. Ralph didn't.
#3 Peter David's Spider-Man 2099
#11 The Vietnam story from Preacher...that was really, really, good.
#13 James Robinson writing a NEW comic!
#16 Mike Mignola...his articulation leaves much to be desired, but his use of shadow is extraordinary, as is his imagination.
#17 Thunder has always been more annoying. I actually like Grace. Can I say it again? Thunder is really annoying.
#20 Elongated Man as written by James Robinson.
Yeah, it must be Ira West.
Don't worry, the mistake is still mine. ;)
But yeah, he is Wally's grandfather, and as mentioned before, Waid at least pointed out that Wally lives right by him but never goes to see him.
However, what Waid doesn't do (and no other writer has) is explain why that is normal and/or not something very weak.
Having never read a single Star Wars comicbook, I can gurantee you that Star Wars has better comicbooks than Dr. Who.
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