
Friday, January 13, 2006

Josh Howard needs your help

Josh Howard, creator of Dead @ 17, is running a poll on his site, asking fans for their opinion on how he should approach his next two projects (the monthly Dead @ 17 title and another unnamed project):

Basically, I've been planning this new Dead @ 17 ongoing series for a while, but I also have another title I'm really excited to get started on. So what's a guy to do? One option would start the D @ 17 series, writing and drawing it, but after a few issues turn the art chores over to someone else while I just continued to write it. This would free me up to simultaneously write and draw the new series every month.

The other option, which to my knowledge, has never been done before, would be to do both titles simultaneously, but handling all the art and writing myself on both titles, and alternating titles every month. One month Dead @17, the next month New Title.

From the looks of the poll so far, people want to see Josh do the art for both.

Update, Jan. 17: Josh provided an update:

Okay, I took the poll down. It was pretty clear how you guys felt. An overwhelming 88% of you said you want me to stay on Dead @ 17, while possibly alternating with a new title. This was pretty much what I had suspected and was gearing towards, but it's good to know you guys back me up on it. Thanks for voting!


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