
Thursday, December 15, 2005

Cyborg comes to Smallville

Per Comics Continuum, Teen Titan Cyborg will visit the WB's Smallville in February:

"We have always liked this character from the Titans," series executive producer Al Gough told The Continuum. "We thought he had an interesting dilemma: Am I man or machine? Have I compromised my humanity? Will I find love in this condition?

Cyborg follows Flash and Aquaman to the show. Speaking of Aquaman, Gough added that they are still looking for the right actor for the Aquaman spin-off show:

"We are still scouring the seven seas, and a few countries, including Australia, the UK and Canada," Gough said. "We've sifted through literally hundreds of auditions trying to find lightning in a bottle like we did with Tom Welling. I've been impressed with the talent pool, we've seen a lot of very interesting guys."


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