Four Horsemen ride again
With the recent announcement that Apocalypse was returning to the Marvel Universe, it's only fitting that the Four Horsemen would soon follow. Over at last week, X-editor Mike Marts dropped a few hints about who exactly would fill the roles of War, Famine, Death and Pestilence in a Q&A with fans.
The Horsemen of Apocalypse will be the usual four -- Pestilence, Famine, War and Death -- though none of them will be any characters we've previously seen as Horsemen. I will tell you this however ... at least one, perhaps even two Horsemen positions will be filled by X-Men.
And, as a special exclusive hint for you fans ... I can tell you that three of the Horsemen will be from this group of twelve:
The group of 12 includes several X-Men -- Beast, Polaris, Havok, Gambit -- as well as villains such as Mystique, Sebastian Shaw, Dark Beast, Avalanche and Ozymandias. The group is rounded out by former X-Man Sunfire, the de-powered Dani Moonstar and obscure Morlock Erg. Man, I am so rooting for Erg to make his triumphant return to the Marvel Universe.
Marts also said that a sequel to Phoenix:Endsong "seems certain at this point," and that Cassandra Nova "will be playing quite an important role" in Astonishing X-Men.
I'm sort of disappointed in the Illuminati. They really should have known better to look out for this one.
Cassandra Nova? Whedon's not happy with Xeroxing Claremont and ruining Emma Frost, he's got to Xerox Morrison as well?
Head. Hurts.
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