20 Questions For You All for 12/7
I am sure there are some spoilers involved in the following 20 questions. Feel free to answer or not - some of them ARE rhetorical, after all...
1. Am I the only one who imagines Frank Miller sitting alone in a pool house in Key West, writing at an old wooden desk and drinking a Teacher's as he types stuff like "We can't take our eyes off her. Especialy since she's got one fine ass"? I am? Drat.
2. JLA: Cold Steel #1 came out this week, which Christopher Moeller began work on in October of 2002. What do you say about that level of dedication to a comic about "The JLA as giant robots"?
3. How did YOU celebrate Fred Van Lente Day?
4. Why exactly did Marvel DO a series about the Spaceknights when they did not have the rights to use Rom?!?!
5. How fun was the ending of Y The Last Man #40?
6. So, is Crispus going to be the new host for Spectre? If he is, I am sure that it will be because DC turned down Rucka's first choice of Simon Lippman being the new Spectre. Lippman would be chosen, of course, because of his great virtue and integrity.
7. Make your bets now - what will be the weird twist when Peter comes out of the (sigh) coccoon? Will he be a teenager again? Or what?
8. So, I'm hearing a lot of praise about the cliffhanger in the last issue of Daredevil, and on the ONE hand, it is a pretty cool plot point...but I can't be the only one who is a bit disappointed that, in order to get it to work, Bendis had to make Urich make a bizarre decision in the FIRST place (i.e. agree to meet with Kingpin in the FIRST place)?
9. Anyone like the art in Mister Miracle #2?
10. What was the second-best DC company wide crossover (DC One Million is the clear #1)?
11. If Nova was the Spidey for the 70s and Speedball was the Spidey for the 80s and Darkhawk was the Spidey for the 90s, who is the Spidey for the 00s? Araña?
12. Did you know that Marvel has to publish a series with Thor in the name or else the rights revert back to the Norse? Or so I've heard...
13. What is the lamest What If...? that you can remember reading?
14. So wait...Ultimate Hank Pym is helping Super-Terrorists attack America? Huh?!?
15. When's the last time Doug Mahnke did a poor job on a comic book?
16. David Lapham's City of Crime - Thumbs Up or Thumbs Down?
17. How would you rank these mini-series, from best to worst: Vinamarama, We3, Sea Guy?
18. What is a better value? This for $125 or this for $195?
19. Who wins in a match if they have both been starved for three days? Ace the Bathound or Streak, The Wonder Dog?
20. Is Streak, the Wonder Dog related at all to Rex, the Wonder Dog? Why hasn't Geoff Johns explained this yet?!?!?!?!?
1. I imagine him doing it at a strip club.
2. I say it's MAD, Brian! MAAAAAAAD! And my store ordered only a couple copies, since they thought it was Mega Morphs redux, but quite a few people were asking for it.
4. They had been trying to do a full fledged Rom book for a while, with such creators as Joe Edkin, Leo Manco, Benny Powell giving pitches, and back in '98 they were thisclose to snagging Gene Ha. But Alan Moore called with Top 10. I guess they decided, "fuck it" when they couldn't get the rights, and Batista's pitch was good enough. Or maybe Bob Harras just isn't that smart.
7. A teenager, most likely. Whatever it is, the "shocking twist" will be that Mary Jane is either dead or gone, I gar-on-tee it.
8. Hey, Eddard Stark thought Littlefinger would help him out, and look what happened to him!
9. Not really, no.
10. Crisis On Infinite Earths. Has there BEEN a good DC crossover besides these two? The only one I can think of offhand is The Janus Directive, and that was only five books.
11. Gravity! Arana's a spiky Latina, not a dopey schlub. though unlike the other three heroes, his book was well written.
13. Jesus, that's tough. Hmmm. Probably What If Karen Page Had Live?, which ends with Matt going up the river for what is clearly an act of self defense. And half the book's given over to Bendis summarizing the second worst DD story of all time.
15. Any time he was inked by Tom Nguyen, I think. Jesus.
17. Seaguy, We3, Vinamarama.
20. Clearly, there is a need for a new Secret Origins.
1. That is a beautiful scene right there, man. It brought a tear to my eye.
2. I say do the robot JLA'ers combine into one giant Voltron-like robot? If not, feh.
3. With beer and nudity.
4. Drop the "when they did not have the rights to Rom" part and you have a better question.
5. That Yorick, what a card. And a stud, too. I wish I was the last male geek on Earth.
6. Why do I not have any idea who you are talking about?
7. He'll be tough and cold. "I'm the goddamn Spider-Man."
8. Ben's a reporter ... why would he turn down the possibility of some fresh scoop from the fatman?
9. There was one guy, but I kicked his ass after he left the comic shop. He won't make that mistake again.
10. DC One Million sucked. Crisis is #1. There is no #2.
11. Invincible
12. I'm pretty sure Thor is in the public domain, like Hercules and Jesus. Man, what an Avengers roster the three of them would make. Too bad Marvel lost the rights to Rom, 'cause he'd make a good member too.
Dream Avengers: Thor, Hercules, Jesus, Rom, Bret Hart, Invincible and that chick from my third period biology class in 10th grade ... man, she was hot.
13. What if Rom died and left behind a bunch of subpar Space Knights?
14. Keep on truckin'!
15. Did he ever draw Rom? Remember when Rom teamed up with the women from the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants, and they called them the Sisterhood? I think that's when we first saw the side of Rogue that eventually led her to the X-Men. Man, I loved Rom. Whatever happened to Hybrid?
16. Thumbs up to Lapham, thumbs down to DC for throwing it off course with a crossover.
17. We3, Newsarama, Sea Guy
18. You could save 15% or more on your car insurance.
19. Who in the blue hell is Streak the Wonder Dog? Do you mean Streaky the Super Cat?
20. Is there any chance Geoff Johns might do a Rom series in the future?
1. I imagine he sits in a director's chair now, but otherwise, yeah, I get a similar image.
2. Once you get behind an idea with that mixture of the ridiculous and the brilliant, you have to see it through to the end. Also, I bet he likes to eat.
3. I didn't. I think it's too commercialized. The true meaning of Van Lente Day has been lost. I blame the secular progressive war on Van Lente Dat and hope Bill O'Reilly will address it on his show.
4. There is a limit to how many Wolverine mini-series can be published. Even a juggernaut like Marvel's resources can be exhausted.
5. More fun than a helper monkey named Ampersand? I wouldn't know. I'm way behind in the trades.
6. I don't know who this Lippman character is, but I'm guessing this would be really funny if I did.
7. Better, I'm hoping he will revert back to looking the way Ditko drew him and Stan wrote him. His interactions with MJ and the Avengers would be priceless!
8. Again, only read the first two hardcovers, so I wouldn't know. But I find Bendis's DD incredibly underwhelming anyway.
9. I haven't picked it up yet. I am not encouraged.
10. Millenimum had a couple of cool Animal Man tie-in issues. I like how I found a way to suck up to Morrison more there.
11. Probably, given how she seems to have been rejected by the fan base but they're plugging away anyway. I hope this doesn't mean she's joining the New Warriors. SHE ISN'T IN THE LEAGUE!
12. Marvel's just doing it to screw Odin out of the royalties.
14. This is another comic I stopped reading awhile ago.
17. I liked Sea Guy more, but I think we3 was better on a craft level, and had a more satisfying ending, since it wasn't setting up for sequels. So that's a toss up. Vinamarama is a distant third, though. It left me surprisingly cold considering how much I love Morrison and Bond.
18. I'm not sure. Which one goes better with the Batman Marionette?
19. Honest to god, these things make me feel like less of a comics nerd for not knowing who half the characters are. I'm not even sure if this is a bad thing.
20. Bill Messner-Loebs wrote a pretty good Rex during his Flash run. Of course, I was like 7 when I read it, but I remember like it. Probably because he helped stop Gorilla Grodd.
2. It's a shame that Moeller dedicated three years of his life to this project, only to have fans on the Superman Homepage to rip into this "obvious" cash-in off Marvel Megamorphs.
10. Infinite Crisis is gonna be the first crossover I ever read. I like it lots so far.
17. I never read Sea Guy, but I rank Vimanarama a CLOSE second to We3. We3 was an emotional rollercoaster, but Vimanarama was just pure FUN.
Yes, the art in Mister Miracle #2 was godawful -- I'm dropping it. I don't care if that means I won't have the entire Seven Soldiers run complete, I'm simply not paying for draftsmanship that shoddy (by two different pencillers no less -- both equally abysmal). I didn't even finish reading it, I might try later. It was just too terrible.
14. They mentioned getting Pym, but he may have been forced to work for them. Who knows. maybe i didn't read close enough. This issue made my head spin, some ways good some ways bad.
17. This one will certainly get a varied response, with WE3 and Seaguy getting the most "best" nods.... But i'm a total sucker for animals, so:
WE3, Seaguy, Vinamalamas
2. All I can say is, it was fun, but I'm glad it's over. The reason it took so long is that I tried to combine working on a storytelling project with monthly Lucifer covers and Magic card art. A couple of years into it, I realized something had to go, so I stopped Lucifer.
And I AM chagrined about all the "megamorphs" allusions. What can I say? There was no such thing when I pitched the project :)
Chris Moeller
When you take that long to do a project, doesn't it then just drive you mad to look at the earlier pages of the story?
I know most artists who do graphic novels mention how annoying it is to look at their early pages by the time they finish the last pages, but in your case, you've developed as an artist by YEARS by the time you finished!
It must have been maddening.
I've toyed with the idea of painting the pages in random order to play down that tendency, but I can never do it. I want to see the story unfold as I go along. In this book, the alien Voruk really change over time, as I became more comfortable with how they were built. The JLA's robots too (though you won't see much of that until issue 2).
I've done a lot of these books now, so I'm used to the effect. There are plenty of other things that I CAN'T control that madden me :)
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