
Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Will you still love me if I wet the bed?

Answer: Yes.

Liz Prince's book caught my eye at Jim Hanley's Universe around Halloween, and I made a note to get it when I wasn't paying three artists in one week. Then I got lucky and received a copy to review from Comicbase.

"Will You Still Love Me if I Wet the Bed?" is a collection of hit-and-run autobiographical vignettes about Liz and her boyfriend Kevin. It's intimate, which is why it's sometimes cute and sometimes gross, but always immediate to the reader. It's about two people very much in love and making small events into big joys. And it's pretty darn funny.

It's also hard to recommend a better title for the Guy Who Wants His Girlfriend to Read Comics.
Just saying, if that's you, at Tijuana Bible dimensions it fits perfectly in a stocking. (Though if you're really set on dragging your lady into your hobby, as always, consider the individual. She may love "X-Men." Somebody has to.)

"Will You Still Love Me if I wet the Bed?" reminds me of Jeffrey Rowland's "Overcompensating" in its staging and delivery of jokes, and James Kochalka's comics in its actual analysis of the minutae of life as a creative soul. Artwise, it's no-looking-back thumbnails with the guidelines still intact (heck, most of the guidelines ARE the figures in their entirety), but it serves the format of the book. These aren't plotted, potted and pruned moments depicted here...they're wildflowers plucked by someone skipping by.

"Will You Still Love Me if I Wet the Bed?" It's good aspirin, man. And if you like it, there's Prince's new project:


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