20 Questions For You All for 11/9
I am sure there are some spoilers involved in the following 20 questions. Feel free to answer or not - some of them ARE rhetorical, after all...
1. How big, exactly, do you think the intended audience of Teen Titans #29 was? More or less than a dozen people?
2. Speaking of Teen Titans #29, I lost count...how many points of continuity did you absolutely NEED to know to understand what the hell was going on in that issue? I lost track at eleventy zillion.
3. I enjoy Walking Dead, I do. But after reading the latest issue, who do you think has a more complex relationship: Rick and Tyresse, or Ricky Vaughn and Roger Dorn? I am leaning towards the latter pair.
4. What do you think, too soon for Roberto Aguirre-Sacasa to be writing himself into the Fantastic Four?
5. Can you name me a more annoying pop culture reference in the middle of an otherwise serious story than the "Bored now" Buffy reference in New Excalibur #1?
6. Drax the Destroyer is on issue #3, and it is still good. This is blowing my Giffen Can't Script theory out of the water!! Unless, who thought Giffen scripted Vext well?
7. Anyone know if John Ostrander is off of Star Wars: Republic? I sure hope not.
8. Regarding the current New Thunderbolts storyline, do we REALLY want to get back into the Squadron Sinister?
9. I was reading The DC Encyclopedia this week, and I suddnely realized that wait a sec, I was ACTUALLY reading something called "Infinite Crisis #2." Anyone else have the same problem?
10. However, who else is kinda impressed that Johns is making Earth 2 Superman the (well-meaning) villain of the story?
11. That IS what he is doing, right?
12. Would anyone be astonished if the next issue of Wildcats: Nemesis has Nemesis make the Earth spin the other way on its axis?
13. Can you ever recall another situation like the Iron Man one, where one creative team did a story really well (Tony Stark's an alcoholic) and then a SECOND creative team comes on within two years and does the SAME storyline (Tony Stark's an alcholic), only much worse?
14. Am I the only person who gives comics like "Love As A Foreign Language" more critical leeway because it is a genre (romance) that is not well represented today?
15. To follow up the previous question, is it WRONG of me to give more leeway to comics that represent genres that are lacking in comics today?
16. Which did you dig more, Local #1 or DMZ #1?
17. What was the point of giving Superman "Super-Intelligence"?
18. Who would win in a fight, comic book Paul Jenkins from New Avengers or comic book Mark Millar from Simpsons?
19. How many Batarangs do you think Batman goes through in a night of crimefighting?
20. Why, as the world of science is stressing smaller and smaller technology, is Iron Man's armor getting bigger and bigger?
That's all for this week! See ya next week!
7. I just listened to an interview with Ostrander at Word Balloon and he mentioned that Star Wars: Republic was ending soon. He added that next year Dark Horse was going to launch several new Star Wars projects as part of its 20th anniversary.
Thanks, Hisham!
Hopefully, he will be on one of them!
5. I would think it was too soon, but that suggests that at some point, he should rightfully be there. Grant Morrison he aint.
5. Annoying, yes, but it's not as though Whedon hasn't done the same to Claremont. His whole "sassy super-powered girl" shtick has been an extended Claremont rip off. "Dark Willow," anyone?
9. Issue #1 made all the lead-ins to IC superfluous; Issue #2 made Crisis itself (and the first four issues of JSA Classified) pointless. If they keep this up, nobody will ever have to read anything by DC again, and the entire line can be replaced by a poorly-designed Geocities fansite infrequently updated by Geoff Johns.
10. Well-meaning? Hell with that! He's a selfish, bitter old fart and I wanna see him burn. Max Lord got editorially neck-pretzeled just to bring back that wrinkly old stooge, and there better be hell to pay.
13. I can think of the inverse situation with Daredevil. Chichester outs Daredevil by a tabloid in a gimmicky, guest-star-laden arc that needlessly resurrects Elektra and which is almost immediately overturned and forgotten about. Bendis comes along (okay, a decade later) and writes the same basic story but does it with style and restraint, and makes it work.
14. I haven't read "Love As A Foreign Language," but I definitely do this with other genres like, say, funny animal comics.
15. I don't think so. You have to give allowances for the under-ten percent of the medium that isn't superhero stuff.
16. DMZ#1, but it could've just been that the subject matter grabbed me more.
17. What was the point of giving him a fleet of Super-robots and machines that could see through time? A case of writerly over-indulgence, I think. When you think about it, would "soul-vision" have been so out of place back then?
18. Simpsons Millar, since he's all cartoony and can take mallets and wrenches to the head and stuff.
19. I've always assumed he goes back later and sheepishly collects his batarangs.
20. Ellis actually tackled this one in his last issue. Yes, I'm one of the three people who're still reading Ellis's Iron Man, and I like it just fine, thanks.
2. See, crap like that is why I hate Johns's Teen Titans. I don't give a damn about Hornblower, Joker's Daughter, or any of Deathstroke's countless spawn. I don't know all this
Oh, and two words: yellow tights.
11. No, he's not. Watch, we'll soon be told that Kal-L is being manipulated, probably by
17. Robots and cool Silver Age gizmos. Sci-fi was king, so Superman became more sci-fi.
18. Who would win in a fight, comic book Paul Jenkins from New Avengers or comic book Mark Millar from Simpsons?
1. Faerber's no Bill Mantlo, that's for sure.
4. Not if the title was created solely as a showcase for him, which it was.
5. Well, Whedon owes Claremont EVERYTHING. I'm more amused at the prospect of Wisdom being in the book jus t so Claremont can pound on Warren Ellis.
6. I thought Giffen scripted Vext well.
7. Off? Yes? Gone from SW? Not a chance.
8. I think it's a triplefakeswerve for something Zemo's planning.
10. Who else will be impressed with Mark Waid's attempts to later retcon it out?
11. Once again, if Mark Waid wasn't involved in this future of DC, I'd say almost certainly yes.
13. Screw you! I liked Denny O'Neil's run!
15. Yes. Because God knows, there have been plenty of extraordinarily shitty non-superhero comics in the post-WEF era people have let slip by because there was no cape in it. Hell, how many of you actually READ Oni's output pre-Scott Pilgrim? Most of it, if not all, was complete crap, and I'm including Q and C in there.
16. I don't buy Brian Wood's books because I'm afraid of his "buddies".
18. Having seen the both of them up close in person, I'd say they're both too stringy and wormy so they'd cancel each other out.
20. Because...uh... I like Ellis' run?
1. More.
2. But I wasn't one of them.
9. Do you want the continuity explained or don't you?
10. I was kinda thinking that it was ironic that Happy Joy Earth-2 Superman was complaining that the heroes had become dark and so decided that becoming a villain was the way to correct that problem.
11. I think so, yes.
14. Naw. I also give too many points to comics that are trying something new (or something old that just hasn't been done in a long time), regardless of how well they're doing it.
15. Yeah. Comics should still be good.
17. To prep us for next issue when he pulls the cellophane S off his chest and throws it at Non.
18. Millar
19. Four
20. Transformers
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