
Saturday, November 19, 2005

Philosophy and DC's "Big Three"

Scipio over at the Absorbascon has an interesting post regarding the profound philosophical differences that motivate DC's holy trinity that dovetails with my own views on the subject.

Superman represents idealistic Moral Absolutism: what's wrong is wrong.

Batman represents pragmatic Rule-based Utilitarianism: we must all operate by universal rules that would keep society safe and workable ("Thou shalt not kill.")

Wonder Woman represents Situational Ethics: It's not that simple to figure out right and wrong, and it changes with each situation depending on how much harm is done to how many people.
The only problem I see with this paradigm is that IC will most likely affirm Superman's ethical view as the only worth adhering to given the infantile "Killing is Bad!" policy that both Marvel and DC operate under.



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