
Friday, November 18, 2005

20 Questions For You All for 11/16

1. What word describes All-Star Superman #1 better? Resplendent or splendiferous?

2. What was your favorite moment in All-Star Superman #1?

3. What is the most notable violator of the Ron Frenz Rule of Costume Design that you can think of?

4. Does Thunder from the Outsiders have a personality?

5. What do you think is the record for most names had by a superhero/ine? Steve Rogers has had three (Nomad, Captain America and The Captain), Monica Rambeau has had three (Captain Marvel, Photon, Pulsar). Does anyone have four?

6. If you had to become a Bat-villain, what would your gimmick be?

7. If Beauty stops loving Beast in Fables, does he return to becoming a Beast? If so, that would make for quite a story, eh?

8. Why was Speedy called Speedy? What was the explanation in the comic? That is an odd nickname for an archer.

9. What are the chances that the bad guy in Runaways is NOT the priest? 10%? Less?

10. So I'm reading X-Men: Deadly Genesis, and Banshee shows up...and I'm PRESUMING instantly that Banshee will die some time in this series, which is funny, because one of the things about the New X-Men was that they wanted to kill off a character because that wasn't done back, it is a surprise when a "major" series goes by withOUT a character dying. When did THAT become the norm?

11. On that note, when's the last time a cover homage seemed out of the ordinary? 1985?

12. Which version of Steel do you like the best - the "John Henry" Steel, the "Engineer to the Gods" Steel of Morrison's JLA or the "John Irons" Steel of Priest?

13. Am I the only one who finds it really dumb to release TWO separate Batman stories in the SAME WEEK that are about Batman Year 1.5?

14. How did Busiek explain away teen Tony?

15. I don't get it. This Weapon X series was to give Tieri a chance to resolve his plotlines.....and he resolved nothing. How does that make sense?!?


16. Who is your favorite Guardian of the Galaxy?

17. What does Peter Parker do with his old webshooters?

18. Why was Skorpio white in Manhunter #16?

19. When does the story start in the Other?

20. Where did Batman keep all those batarangs he used each night before he started carrying those pouches on his belt?


At 11/18/2005 10:17:00 AM, Blogger Hate Filled Poster said...

1) Good.
2) The lifting 200 quintillion tons.
3) Not sure.
4) Nope.
5) I agree with Chris. Though I would imagine there are more. I know Carol Danvers had quite a few.
6) Linkmaster. I link things and they appear.
7) interesting.
8) No idea actually. I always thought it was weird. I should know this.
9) I think the priest is a red herring.
10) I would say around Crisis.
11) probably.
12) Spencer Gifts
13) nope, I did too.
14) This is not the Tony you are looking for...
15) I didn't read it. I'm so over anything involving Weapon X.
16) Vance
17) Memorabilia? Or keeps them for those spider disfunctions he has when he's stressed? Are they like Spider-viagra?
18) Did anyone care?
19) Right after it's over I'm guessing. Part 5 already and not much has happened.
20) Didn't they used to return to him like a boomerang if he missed? If he hit then I imagine he just carried one and picked it back up.

This comment brought to you by "dujos" your #1 choice for word verification words.

At 11/18/2005 10:23:00 AM, Blogger Steve said...

1) Cool. Though I'm not sure why people are convinced the book cures cancer.

5) Hank Pym: Ant-Man, Giant-Man, Goliath, Yellowjacket. (One RPG supplement claimed his name in the late 80s/90s was actually Henry Pym, The Scientific Adventurer).

Peter Parker: Spider-Man, Prodigy, Hornet, Dusk, Ricochet.

14) I'm not sure he actually did; he was Teen Tony before Heroes Reborn, and then Regular Tony was back for Heroes Return.

15) Unresolved plotlines in a book called "Weapon X"? You lie!

16) Vance Astro, though I'm not sure why.

19) Any month now, I'm sure!

20) You don't want to know.

At 11/18/2005 11:27:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

5. Donna Troy: Wonder Girl, Troia, Darkstar, Troy and possibly Harbinger. Though Robby Reed would win hands down. ;)

At 11/18/2005 12:14:00 PM, Blogger Michael said...

5. Carol Danvers was Ms. Marvel, Binary, Warbird (three)

Alex of Power Pack was Gee, Destroyer, Mass Master, Powerpax, Powerhouse, and Zero-G (that's six).

8. Roy Harper was so quick with his bow and arrows, that's why Ollie called him Speedy.

14. It's hard to explain, but it was explained (or rather retconned, in the original sense of the word as retroactive continuity) in the Avengers Forever series.

At 11/18/2005 02:19:00 PM, Blogger Michael May said...

2. Lois Lane looking all hot even with her clothes on.

3. Shatterstar. Not even Rob Liefeld can draw that one consistently.

5. Marvel Girl, Phoenix, Jean Grey, Redd Dayspring.

6. The Lazy Boy: Commit all crimes from my mobile recliner with my Remote Control of Doom.

7. I think so, and yeah.

8. I've never heard the comics explanation, but I always assumed it was because he was quick with a bow.

9. Hmmm.

12. Department 56?

15. No, you don't understand! The new WEAPON X series was tragically cut short and he needs JUST ONE MORE series to finally get everything tied together. For real this time!

16. Yondu. It's the big fin on his head.

At 11/18/2005 02:20:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

1. Supercalifragilisticxpialidocious!

2. "I have something to tell you." Take THAT, Waid!

3. Pretty much every creator who's come out of Top Cow.

4. Does ANYONE in the outsiders have a personality except Kory?

7. Not if it's used to illustrate once again that... ah, you know what I think of Willingham's view on relationships.

8. Nobody in the Golden age gave a toss?

10. What I'd like to know is, What the hell is this series about? there's nothing to indicate what the hell Prof X did, it's all a tease.

11. yes.

13. Buhzingo.

14. Franklin never heard of Teen Tony, so when the Heroes returned IM was "re-imagined" in his original form. Same thing Happend with the Wasp. Supposedly Busiek had a more complex idea in mind in the Look Back in Armor special that was planned, but he couldn't fit it into his schedule, so he went with that. Which works just fine for me.

15. Christ, I dunno, and I'm a FAN of Weapon X. It was barreling along awesomely until... that. What the hell? Was it selling so well they greenlit a sequel or something?

"Carol Danvers Howlett"- is that a hint?

17. Well, logically he'd probably sell them to a toy company. but... sigh.

19. When JMS' chapters start of course. I can't believe this is selling out. NOTHING IS HAPPENING! And am I the only one nervous that this is an excuse to just remove Mary Jane from the books? If so, well... that worked SO well six years ago...

20. In the Bataranus. Duh.

At 11/18/2005 06:04:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

1. Eh.
2. The first page was nicely done. The rest ... eh.
3. Rob Liefield's Cable. Rob Liefield's anything, actually.
4. No. But in a Winnick book, is that a bad thing? At least she isn't Grace or Shift.
5. Peter Parker has had at least six ... Spider-Man, Scarlet Spider, Hornet, Prodigy, Stilletto and, um, whatever the other one was. The "shadow" one. Man, the 90s just friggin' rocked in comics!
6. Haikus.
7. Sure, that would be keen.
8. Ask the ladies.
9. Isn't the priest an established character who has been friends with Cloak and Dagger their whole career? But of course, we don't have any other suspects at the moment, so he's a good guess.
10. Somebody does die in Deadly Genesis, so Banshee is a good guess. It became the norm when everyone started bringing dead people back.
11. Isn't 1985 a new Millar project?
12. Maybe they're having a garage sale.
13. When they publish a thousand Batman comics every week ... no.
14. Voodoo.
15. I'm supposed to be working on my goals and objectives, and instead I'm answering these questions. How does that make sense?
16. Ringo.
17. eBay.
18. Lots and lots of whiteout.
19. Does "The Other" have anything to do with "The Others" on Lost?
20. I don't know. I just added a section to my goals and objectives on finding out, though.

At 11/19/2005 12:56:00 AM, Blogger Mick Martin said...

3. Cable in his early New Mutants appearances.

5. Someone has already mentioned Hank Pym. Of course then there's Hulk: Hulk, Joe Fixit, War, The Maestro

6. My gimmick would be that I would be at least moderately effective.

7. Yeah, I guess.

14. I think that had something to do with Avengers Forever. I'm not sure.

16. Captain Picard.

17. Sells them to Hulk as cockrings.

At 11/21/2005 09:11:00 AM, Blogger Scipio said...

1. "Yeesh."
2. Superman using the Clumsy Clark routine to save lives, casually.
3. Azrael
4. No; but why should she be any different?
6. dachshunds
8. He was faster but not as accurate as Green Arrow in archery.
16. Herapa Hu.
17. You can exchange them for credit at Staples.
20. Cape pouches, silly.


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