Not the best decison ever...
Deodato on New Avengers HAS to be a brain fart on someone's part. Seriously.

Yes, I was one of the many that was impressed by his work on The Incredble Hulk with Bruce Jones oh so many moons ago, but he was a horrible choice for replacement on Amazing Spider-Man and this choice to have him on New Avengers is even worse. Even before he left Hulk, Deodato's level of quality was waning and then totally slipped when he went to Amazing Spider-Man, despite the fact that he was a horrible choice of artist for that series in the first place.
Also, are we to expect any real level of quality (like that of his work on The Incredible Hulk) when Deodato is drawing two books? As far as I know he's still the artist on ICON's Dream Police with JMS and working on two monthly series does not promise quality workmanship.
Add to the fact that he hasn't even read any issues of New Avengers and, yeah, I'm thinking there's a problem at Marvel. I mean, ok, so you haven't even read any of the issues of the series you're about to take over, but don't TELL US THAT. WE HAD NO CLUE UNTIL YOU ADMITTED IT.
Yep, brain fart.
I agree - Deodato's a mighty wierd choice. New Avengers should be a front-line title, with headliner art.
That said ... Dream Police is just a one-shot at this point. I don't think there are any plans even for a #2, much less an ongoing monthly.
So he'll still suck .. he just won;t be thinly-stretched suck.
Well, Finch is very upfront about the fact that he never read Avengers before taking it over.
Heck, I do not believe he has ever read a single issue of Moon Knight either (he's using reference material rather than the issues to learn how to draw the characters).
So while yeah, I'm not a fan of Deaodato either, I don't think he's much of a downgrade from Finch. They seem pretty similar to me.
I actually thought the same thing, Brian, and then I thought, "Why not keep Finch on the title and let Deodato do Moon Knight?"
And then I realized how much SENSE that would make and realized Marvel couldn't do that. Ruin their rep.
Actually, Finch is a big Moon Knight fan. From what I've heard, he pushed to get on this assignment. Which, when compared to New Avengers, is relatively low-profile.
Well, I love Deodato's work and I think it's great he's coming on the book. Bendis described his style as 'cinematic' and I agree; it'll give NA that big blockbuster look they're going for.
I took it that Finch was happy for the opportunity to draw New Avegners, but wasn't really into it and didn't want to do it ongoing. I also got the impression that even though he has done a couple different books with Bendis, Bendis doesn't particularly feel comfortable with Finch's style.
I finally got around to reading Dream Police yesterday and it was much better than I was expecting.
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