20 Questions For You All for 11/2
I am sure there are some spoilers involved in the following 20 questions. Feel free to answer or not - some of them ARE rhetorical, after all...like "Did you miss this thing last week?"...hehe...
1. Who else was really irked that JSA Classified #4 ended with a freakin' TO BE CONTINUED after being promo-ed as "Learn Power Girl's origin finally!"?
2. "They sit there all day and don't say a fucking word to anyone about anything. All day long they sit there and just take shit. Then they go on line and "fuck this" and "fuck that" and "this guy is a fucker" and nyah, nyah, nyah, and I know they're cowards because I walk around all day with my ears wide fucking open and I don't hear anyone say anythign even close to the shit I read online." Okay, change "go on line" to "write Powers" and "read online" to "read in Powers." Works pretty well, no?
3. That being said, I'm just messing with Bendis. I don't really have a problem with him venting about online fans. He DOES get a lot of shit from fans. That being said, am I the only one who felt it was a bit wussy of him to have the words being spoken by a peripheral (re: plausibly deniable that it was HIS view) character? I mean, he has since said on his board that this IS what he thinks, so why not just say so in the comic? Have Deena or Christian express the opinion, then the reader will know that Bendis believe in it.
4. For anyone who has read Jonah Hex #1 (or Conan with Dave Stewart, for that matter), what do you think...do you disagree with me, or do you think we need a digital colorist credit?
5. Okay, let me say this...I really liked Mike Allred's Solo. With that being said, how heavy-handed was that Batman story on a level from 1 to 10 (with 1 being subtle and 10 being hitting you over the head with a hammer)? I say 8.
6. Am I the only person who would actually be irked if this current Pulse storyline turns out to have some super cynical ending for D-Man? I guess I could rephrase that as "Am I the only person who liked D-Man?"
7. So House of M: The Day After #1 next week is an epilogue to House of M....but House of M #8 was an epilogue to House of M...sooooo, is this a new trend? Will every Marvel comic just be an epilogue to the comic that came before it?
8. For those who have read Bulleteer #1...her figure? Cousin Larry trick or no? I say that Morrison explains it enough that it is NOT a Cousin Larry trick, but it is close, I think.
9. Anyone else creeped out that Drax the Destroyer is actually a good comic book?
10. Who else has been astonished at how much Jimmy Cheung means to Young Avengers? I mean, I LIKE Andrea Divito, but that book just NEEDS Cheung. Without him, it looks so...dorky.
11. For a book like Firestorm #19, how much direction do you think they gave Stuart Moore? Was it a matter of "just make sure to get in these six points, and the rest is up to you," or was it a matter of "have these six scenes in the comci, and the rest is up to you"?
12. In #1, Bruce Jones had a character speak with an offensive Spanish accent (Jew instead of You, etc.). In #2, he had a character speak with his mouth full, with all the requisite smacking and garbled words. What do you think will be next for #3? Pidgin English? Pig Latin?
13. Which one of Mark Waid's Batman traps in "Tower of Babel" was the worst? Which ones sucked the least?
14. What do you attribute to Daniel Way's sudden increase in writing ability? I think he is on writing steroids. Or maybe he got hit in the head, like in a sitcom. What do you personally attribute to the recent increase in good comics by him? It can't possibly just be "giving a shit," can it?
15. Anyone read Tom Beland's Spider-Man Unlimited story? What did you think?
16. If Marvel wrote on the cover of the Captain Universe specials, "Because you demanded it," could we sue for false advertising?
17. Who was your favorite X-Terminator?
18. If you had to pick ONE of them to be Batwoman, who would you pick, Selina Kyle or a healed Barbara Gordon?
19. Why did you not pick up Fear Agent #1? If you DID pick it up, good for you!
20. Has a comic ever been saved as much by ONE page as Daredevil #78?
I thought what Bats' plan for Kyle in Tower of Babel was the cruelest. Blinding an artist? That's harsh.
1. Ooo! Me me me! I'm also pretty pissed that after four issues of runaround, her origin is exactly what it was twenty years ago, only we're provided with no explanation as to how that's possible.
2. I'm less irritated by Bendis's whining than I am by the general overwrought ham-handedness of these stupid "Open Mic" pages. Bad dialogue, bad pacing, and they have nothing to do with the story; there's no excuse to leave them in.
5. A 9, although the line about Nietzsche being a worthless crazy syphilitic nearly puts it over the top. I liked the story quite a bit, but I've gotta say I'm getting kind of tired of the whole "Why Can't It Just Be Fun" lecture. Yes, recent writers have fouled up Batman by making him an unlikable asshole, and have made superhero comics in general overly dark. But for god's sake, this does not demand a backwards progression to the days of giant typewriters and Bat-Mites. You can have depth, complexity, and yes, grittiness without diving headfirst into "the goddamn Batman!" territory. It's not either Miller ravings or day-glo superkitsch, people.
7. House of M didn't have an ending. Identity Crisis didn't have an ending, and it's run on into Infinite Crisis, which we already know is running on into One Year Later and 52. This is the era of the perpetual crossover.
8. It's not just the figure. It's knocking the escapism and wish fulfillment at the heart of the traditional superhero comic, and knocking it pretty hard. To do this in a superhero comic is a bit like Ronald McDonald saying, "Have some fries, fatty."
9. Nope. Drax has always been awesome.
10. No comment on the angry black man who also happens to be a thief and a drug addict? Granted, the art was also pretty bad.
13. Martian Manhunter's "always on fire" thing had to hurt.
18. Neither. Can't there be at least one superhero in the DC universe who exists as a character and not as a brigade?
20. Bulleteer #1, by the last page.
I love love that Power Girl's origin is the exact same as was pre-Crisis. I think that hilarious.
1. Uh... we DID learn her origin. It was the same as it always was. Which if you follow the Crisis through line logically, well, of COURSE it was! Johns dropped the ball here.
3. not nearly as wussy- or hugely immature- as Kevin Smith's ENDLESS internet bashing. If it bothers you that much, UNPLUG THE FUCKING COMPUTER!!!!
5. I'd say it was a 10-Waid.
6. Yes and Yes.
7. Hey, DC's doing the same thing. Verily, it truly is an INFINITE CRISIS...
8. Half and half. I think Morrison underestimated Paquette's tendency towards fetish. I liked the book a lot, though.
9. I must say, I'm rather suprised. I hope there's a trade.
10. It'd be a sad, sad day in Coyleville if a book ever needed Jimmy Cheung.
11. I'm just glad they didn't have Firehawk allow a pregnant woman and eleven other people to be murdered right in front of her just 'cause Brad Meltzer made her quit a the end of Identity Crisis. Jesus, that is repulsive.
14. I always thought he was good. And I was the only one who thought that. Ha, I'm ahead of the curve!
16. Not if it said "Because Jay Faerber Demanded it!"
17. Leech!
18. Barbara Gordon. In the Batgirl outfit, though.
19. Great art, pedestrian story (sorry, Rick).
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