
Friday, August 26, 2005

Janson Speaks! Part 2

Klaus Janson's interview with Comic Foundry concludes with more insights and observations.

On the status of inkers:

. . . There is still a lot of second-class status reserved for inkers but it just doesn't bother me as much as it once did. As long as I can bring something to the work, which I think I always do, and make a living at it, I think I’m doing okay.

On Frank Miller:

. . . When we were hanging out, if that’s the correct phrase, when we were doing “Daredevil,” he was always interested in film, for instance. I don’t know if he ever said, “I want to direct,” but it wouldn’t surprise me if he did. . .

On the future of comics:

. . . What I’d like to see happen is a greater recognition, which I think is inevitable, of the medium as a legitimate art-form. I’d like to see the alternative press become healthier financially. And I think a lot of people are going to be doing comics in their basement. A lot of non-corporate, non-business, non-Marvel, non-DC publications. Because the technology is so cheap, people are going to be printing comics in their basement, which I think is good. Just in the same way that people are making movies in their basement.


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