
Tuesday, August 02, 2005

Fantasy comic book publishing?

I got so caught up playing this last night, that I forgot it might be blog-worthy. Thanks to The Beat for reminding me.

So, Jim Lee and his gang over at Gelatometti have long talked about a Rotisserie game for comic book creators, kind of like a fantasy league of sorts, where you draft certain writers, artists, etc. and the person that gets the most points wins. Ugh. A horrible explanation on my part. Anyway, they've done it, and Jim Lee has the scoop:

Finally, the online game you have all been waiting for. Metti Fantasy Publisher is now LIVE. Go to Metti-Publisher.Com and sign up for this FREE online rotisserie game where you can face off against fellow fan, pro, retailer and publisher alike as you compete against one another to assemble the grooviest lineup of writers and artists for you virtual publishing company.

Here's the quick skinny (click on Info at the homepage for details btw).

Working much like fantasy baseball or football online leagues, after you sign up and create a fictitious publisher's name, you then draft writers, cover artists and artists for your 'company.' This is accomplished by ranking creators with a draft order preference. Once complete, a randomized draft using said rankings is done to fill out your lineup. Then, every month around the 20th or so, scores are tallied using the icv2 circulation estimates and your publishing company is awarded copies sold for every book one of your creators worked on in that month. The more you sell, the better Metti- publisher you are.


At 8/02/2005 11:06:00 AM, Blogger Steve said...

I think we need a comics blogger league!

At 8/02/2005 11:57:00 AM, Blogger Alex Segura said...

That's an awesome idea!


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