The Week at the Curve
Week of June 26, 2005
TGC has made its name these last 6 months on being a venue for housing a different breed of industry complaint. Take one look at Lea's "I'm Hurting Comics" shirts this week, and you'll see the kind of direction our posts have taken trying to go against the grain of typical fanboy rants. We've got a wide range of contributors with a lot of things to say, and the brilliance of it all is that there's usually dissent against dissent. Take this last week for example.
There's Tim's "gentle nudging" at Warren Ellis. Well, okay; it was a little less than gentle, yes, but this is what I'm talking about. TGC is a hub for discussion about some of the more salient criticisms of the creators and companies driving today's industry.
Then there's Mark Millar, another popular target of fellow writers and comics watchers alike. The mouthy Scotsman launched his new Web project this week, and I hope to find a review by Brian K. Vaughn any day now.
You'll even find a few internally focused compaints every once in awhile, albethem computer generated or not.
We also pride ourselve on constructive critique as well; if a few companies would listen up and take our advice, such as Hisham's to Archie Comics that they should give The Crusaders another chance. I mean, hey, if Peter Jackson can be big enough to ask for help from Brian Singer, there's at least some hope in the world that the Corvettes of creativity out there can be troubled to request a hand from the less proven.
We also deal in mixed criticism and praise, such as Tom's piece on JLI. Seriously, in the noir world of today's heroes, a little bit of silly nostalgia in a book does goes a long way to lighten up a universe.
And that's just what you missed out on this week if you weren't monitoring TGC. Just think what will be getting by your radar this next week as I go to see Fantastic Four and wallow in the modernization of Cold War era sci-fi. Not that I've already passed judgment, mind you. So keep your eyes peeled, let us all know what you think, and I'll see you back here next week. Same Curve time. Same Curve URL.
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