Just a random thought, but...
Am I the only person that's tired of seeing stuff like this from Warren Ellis?
Hasn't the "hehe, nerds are stupid" joke been beaten to death? I hate costumes and the distractions they cause at conventions. Yes. I also think dressing up for a con is kind of silly. But once you realize these things, you move on. Let the nerds get their jollies.
Or maybe it's not just the mocking that gets to me, because I'm not by any means a defender of people that choose to make themselves look moronic, but Ellis' tone. It rubs me the wrong way. These people buy your books. This is your bread and butter. And as much as he might like to think his audience is as smart and hip as he seems to think he is, you can bet a handful of twenties that all those geeks covered in green paint and Wolverine masks snatched a pile of the latest issue of Ultimate Nightmarextinctionerdgasm.
And yes, I know I can just not read it. I stopped.
You're welcome to disagree, Markisan. And I understand your points. This is just my opinion. And I don't think I'm being hypocritical. In fact, I note in the entry that "I'm not by any means a defender of people that choose to make themselves look moronic." If you wear a costume, yes, to a degree you're asking for it. The only thing I'm saying is that I'm tired of Ellis' I'm-too-cool-for-school tone. And yeah, Ellis' mockery probably won't affect someone willing to wear a Wolverine costume in public. That wasn't the point. I'm just saying I was tired of reading it, and found the continuous (tongue-in-cheek or whatever) "Hey, look at these freaks!" to be tiresome. And as I said, I stopped reading. That's all. Not trying to make some earth-shattering pronouncement here.
I think it's funny. If you can't laugh at stuff like that what can you laugh at?
Lots of things. Humor is subjective...and like I said before, I'm not defending them, and yes, costumes are funny. I just got tired of seeing the posts from Ellis. That's all.
Sick of it? I've been sick of it for five years. But the man's stuck.
Tim, that is comedy.
You know what else is comedy? Standing at the bedside of a patient that's coding, crash cart by my side, and the nurse running in yelling "She's a DNR! She's a DNR!" and another nurse shouts, "OH THANK GOD!!" True story.
It's all subjective, man.
Nerds are like Christians: they're just too easy a target to avoid.
What you see as wishy washy, I see as me being honest about what I was feeling about the Ellis stuff. Which is fine. You see things your way, and I'll see them mine. My point now, as it was then, was really simple (whether you like it or not is another story): I was tired of reading Ellis' snark on the subject. That's all. I was not trying to defend people that dress as Wolverine or whatever. I wasn't trying to start a great crusade to stop bad man Ellis from mocking others. I was just bored and uninterested in the photo galleries clogging my news reader. And yes, tones are acceptable. Some people react to certain tones, inflections, whatever differently. So for me to say "I don't like the way X does Y" is conditional, sure, but since when is that wrong? It's not. That's my point. If that's "bullshit" or "bad" to you, then I guess we can agree to disagree.
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