I'm a cheap slut, yes I am
Those words, not exacty in that order, are the first line from Marvel's Giant-Size Spider-Woman #1.
Precocious Curmudgeon gives us the real deal:
"I’m a cheap slut. I am. When did that happen exactly?”
Doesn't that just draw you in? Don't you want to know more? And isn't it so bracingly modern? Welcome to the comeback trail, Spider-Woman.
Your membership papers for the Order of Former Super-Heroines Turned Self-Loathing Private Investigators Named Jessica are being processed and will be delivered within seven to ten business days.
If this is modern...
Actually, it's from the original Bendis/Mays 8-pager that's in that comic.
A little context: this takes place while Jessica is 'retired' from being Spider-Woman and working as a detective, doing an undercover job. The whole "cheap slut" thing refers to the dress she's wearing and probably also feeling that she's 'whoring' herself by doing this gig for money when she used to be an actual super hero.
I dunno if the context makes it any better, but there you go.
Context, schmontext
If I was trying to be Zach, I'd be posting that on something Lea wrote. ;)
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