Got an extra $150? Create your own strip!
Want your own comic strip, but suck at the "art" part? Here's your chance to write your own six-panel strip and have it "drawn-to-order" by "a professional artist of your choosing" -- provided you choose one of the three artists that the website ELSEWARES has on contract. Here's the actual ELSEWARES pitch for its Custom Comics concept: "The joy of telling a good story and the ease of filling out a form!"
And they aren't kidding about the "form" part -- after shelling out your hundred-fifty smackers, you'll get a link to an online form that provides boxes where you insert the title of your strip-to-be, the text for panels one through six, and "notes/instructions" for each panel (the latter, by the way, are "optional").
To be fair, the artists, and the sample strips they've produced, look pretty damn good. You can choose from "guerilla cartoonist" Cristian Fleming:
If anybody has a spare $150 and decides to order a Custom Comic, send The Curve a copy of the end product. This I've gotta see.
(Thanks to Sequential Tart's Karon Flage for this tidbit.)
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