
Thursday, March 31, 2005


Back in the old days, when the Warren Ellis Delphi Forum was open, there was an outbreak of manifestos. That's exactly the way I mean to say it: it was like a rash. The first one was okay, but all the ones that followed were as much fun as wiping with poison ivy, and as painfully squirm-inducing.
There was a lot of "saving", "bettering", building a moat around, being gentle to tender little geniuses, and RAHHH COMICS-ing.
But no one ever suggested that what comics needed was a really good ass-whipping. Or maybe what comics needed was for people to stand up and say, "Hooray! I'm for the other team!"

Comics need hurting. Go on, hurt them.

When you don't like something everyone likes, in lockstep, and you say so: you're hurting comics.
When you're uppity about shite accomodations at a con you flew halfway across the country for: you're hurting comics.
When you disagree about how well a con is or was run: you're hurting comics.
When you object to being treated like crap: you're hurting comics.
When you don't like something you "should", and say so: you're hurting comics.
When you think "by fans, for fans" is a big old RUN AWAY SCREAMING signal: you're hurting comics.
When you object to tits, ass and crotch on "strong female characters": you're hurting comics.
When you don't think someone is the shit just because their cultists say so: you're hurting comics.
When you dare to criticize: you're hurting comics.
When you say the direct market is a total freaking mess except for a few, proud, shops: you're hurting comics.
When you don't agree with the majority on what those shops are: you're hurting comics.
When you dast point out a publisher said, "We will never...": you're hurting comics.
When you dast breathe hypocrisy: you're hurting comics.
When you won't go to a con that asks you to be a guest because they whinge about poverty and can't/won't cover any expenses: you're hurting comics.
When you choose working for "the man" over losing your house, your car, food: you're hurting comics.
When you point out there's a difference between marketing and promises: you're hurting comics.
When you point out hype isn't reality: you're hurting comics.
When you point at the Emperor or Empress and laugh like a loony: you're hurting comics.
When you're just plain uppity: you're hurting comics.



At 1/10/2006 05:30:00 PM, Blogger Dean Trippe said...

lots of cures hurt. i'm with you.

At 5/02/2006 03:37:00 PM, Blogger Paul said...

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At 5/02/2006 03:39:00 PM, Blogger Paul said...

When you expect creators to be grateful that you looked at their comics, you're hurting comics.

When you exaggerate one situation to exemplify all of comics, you're hurting comics.

When you read what other people read to be cool (whether you like it or not), you're hurting comics.

When you think a Convention has infinitely deep pockets to cater to your every whim because you are asked to be a guest, you're hurting comics.

When you think fanfic is the access point to a career in comics, you're hurting comics.

When you go off the deep end, you're hurting comics.

When you "Smak!", "POW!" and "BIFF!" the 'true believers', you're hurting comics.

When you're a fan who won't STFU about comics, you're hurting comics.

Lea, great thought piece.


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