Rucka on OMAC
Sorry to anyone who posted regarding this article. I had to repost it due to some technical difficulties. talked to upcoming The OMAC Project writer, and one of the current architects of the DC Universe, Greg Rucka about the title. As with the upcoming Countdown, Rucka was rather tight lipped, giving more questions than answers:
“There are deliberate homages to what was done in the original OMAC, and there will be more and more elements as the series progresses that people will be able to identify,” Rucka said. “But this is basically taking the idea of the ‘One Man Army Corps,’ and turning it to a very specific end. So, if people are looking for the reappearance of Buddy Blank in continuity…don’t hold your breath. But – if you’re looking for the reemergence of a super-tough one-man army corps guy with something like a Mohawk on his head, that’s probably more likely.”
Okay, so that doesn't really tell us much, though I am looking forward to more mohawks in comics. Great, so how does this fit in with Countdown?
“The story of The OMAC Project starts about thirty seconds before Countdown ends and goes from there. Basically, the events of Countdown lead to the conflict in OMAC, and it’s a conflict that ultimately includes the big three at various points, but primarily Batman and Wonder Woman, actually, and another hero that might surprise people, but I really can’t say too much about.”
Maybe this will lead to a relationship between Bats and Wondy. I sincerely doubt it, but as many of my fellow Curve Cadets agree, the Bat could use a life. Even if it's one shared with an Amazon. Doesn't really sound all that bad to me. Wait, Checkmate is involved right? That means there's something familiar about the book, they've been popping up in the Bat books semi-recently.
“This is not the Checkmate that people know – and again, without giving away too much, one of the things the series is about is, ‘Where’s the Checkmate that we know, then?’ This is an animal of a different stripe, and of a very different mandate. Their mission statement ain’t the same as any group that has used the name before. Different goals, different methods, and different presence, and different organization."
I give up. I have no idea what's going on. I'll probably still pick up the books (if I have the fundage). So why all the secrecy?
"We want people to be able to have an honest, fun reaction to the stories. Part of the joy of this storyline, though it may not seem like fun when it happens will be the rollercoaster – the ups and downs when you think you know what’s going on, only to have the rug pulled out from under you, or when the story takes a turn you didn’t see coming. That’s what we want readers to feel.”
I'm appeased. But I better be wowed.
PS - Assuming I start feeling better soon (damn college, it's like an infestation hotel) this week's "Kickin It Old School" will feature the very first issue of OMAC, by Jack "The King" Kirby.
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