
Friday, February 25, 2005

Dillon, Ultimate artist

Two days ago, Brian K. Vaughn announced on his weblog some very interesting news about Ultimate X-Men #58:

In order for Stuart [Immonen] to stay ahead of schedule, Marvel asked if we would be okay with using a special guest artist for Issue #58... MR. STEVE DILLON!

Wow, something may actually get me to buy an Ultimate book.

Co-creator of Preacher and one of my absolute favorite artists ever, Steve has never drawn the X-Men before (I think?), and I'm sure he's the last artist many of you expected to see on a book like this. But we all agreed that Steve was the only guy for this issue, a standalone bank heist story focusing on Professor Xavier and a 100% all-new mutant villain named SYNDICATE. I'm particularly proud of this script, and I hope that fans of Ex Machina and Y: The Last Man who've been reluctant to read a "mainstream" book like UXM will give this issue a shot, if only to see Steve's insane design for our new baddie.

Dillon's ability to capture facial expressions puts him head and shoulders above the rest in my opinion. It's like taking Kevin Maguire (Formerly Known as the Justice League), locking him in a room for a few days with "Clockwork Orange" on a continuous loop, and then giving him a pencil.


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