Oodles of Offhand Opinions
The key to offhand opinions is it’s a gut reaction with bare bones analysis. I tell you if it’s worth buying in a basic Yes or No situation. This week, we have two new features (one that longtime readers of Offhand Opinions may remember from past incarnations). First off, the return of Ron’s pick of the week (for last week). A little background, Ron manages the local bookstore where I buy my comics. We’ve been friends since the mid-1980s and the man knows comics. So for last week, Ron liked Bullseye: Greatest Hits 5 (of 5) [Marvel] by Way and Dillon. Secondly, we have a brand new feature—my pick of the week. This week my pick is Fantastic Four 522 [Marvel] by Waid and Wieringo.
Mystique 23 (Marvel)
The book is already cancelled, and yet they slap Wolverine on the cover. Once and while a cover screams “we need to boost sales” and this one does. If McKeever sticks around, he could be a Warren Ellis type writer I could stomach. But this series was not it. Rogue and that whole baggage of characterizations are so shoehorned into this issue.
Legion of the Super-Heroes 2 (DC)
First scene of this issue, I felt that feeling I always get whenever reading a Legion reboot—you’re losing me—too obscure—help! Fortunately it was only one scene and Waid was able to pull me back in. I want to love this reboot, and I remain hooked, but wary.
Uncanny X-Men 454 (Marvel)
I was about to really slam the cover, and I realized it was Paul Smith! I cannot fathom that the guy behind Leave it to Chance (along with James Robinson, of course) could do such cheesecake (inherent to the objectified Hellfire ladies I know…) that makes one feel so icky. The actual story leaves us wondering “what is the limit to Wolverine’s healing factor” or actually when asked the question I realized “I don’t care.”
New X-Men 9 (Marvel)
A séance? They have mutant powers and they have to go the séance route? What’s next, Scarlet Witch totally deconstructs the Aveng—never mind.
Arana 1 (Marvel)
The twisted part of me wants Wolverine’s crossover to kick in to this book. Yea, I’m mean. In all seriousness, I actually enjoy this book. The father/daughter dynamics in particular are an asset to this series.
X23 #2
Origins that cure insomnia. I mean I fell asleep on the background/credit page. Toss in an element of child torture (but she’s actually a clone, defenders may say) and I can actually declare reading this issue sickened me.
Fantastic Four 522 (Marvel)
There are many times when I read Waid’s writing and I think “this guy should be making movies”. This issue has such a moment between Johnny and his team-mates.
The Amazing Spider-Man 516 (Marvel)
Straczynski/Deodato Jr/Brooks
The plot stinks on toast. I mean I care nothing for the “old previously unrevealed friend of Pete from high school”…and yet as usual JMS crafts these little Parker family moments that keep me coming back. If you like the little moments, shell out the dough, if you need actual plot…look elsewhere.
Maybe (the first “maybe” of 2005!)
Planetary 22 (Wildstorm)
So much talent…so little interest. Warren Ellis is slowly rivaling Chris Claremont for most chasing own tail/tale in a comic series.
Batman 636 (DC)
Nightwing and Batman working together make for great dynamics. But yikes, Winick is trying to tweak Batman’s dialogue a tad and it flounders when he starts talking in a Rainman vein toward the end of this issue. Plus Mahnke does not work in Gotham for me.
Nightwing 102 (DC)
Dick Grayson and Clark Kent provide for some fun scenes. The whole angry Batman is over the top even though it’s firmly in continuity.
The Spectacular Spider-Man 24 (Marvel)
The whole Sarah story is nearly laughable in terms of the soap opera scenery munching. I mean JMS set up this house of cards with this retro-continuity. And Samm Barnes has little to work with, unfortunately. In terms of art, it’s amazing that Scot Eaton doesn’t look as strong when inked by Cam Smith (versus when inked by Drew Geraci).
Black Widow 5 (Marvel Knights)
Morgan clearly hopes to redefine Natasha/Widow with this miniseries. And unfortunately the art is just too Chaykin-esque for me to sign off on this. Not to mention, is it just me, or has Marvel been fairly quiet when it comes to promoting this book? Maybe I’m wrong.
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