
Monday, December 06, 2004

Take Note

Jess Nevin's Comic Book Annotation Site makes reading comic books even more entertaining, just ask Alan Moore. Nevins has painstakingly poured over some of comics' greatest series to find every reference, blatant or hidden, within the panels. Tackling such titles as Kingdom Come, it's one-shots, League of Extraordinary Gentlemen Volumes One and Two, and Top Ten among others, is no easy task for a reader, but Nevins has taken to these books with a scholars lens, pointing out the things that many readers pass over as useless background. His LOEG annotations have even been printed in book form by Monkeybrain press and can be found on their site,, and your neighborhood book stores. Alan Moore and Kevin O'Neil were even involved with the books. Moore read through Nevins' notes and even granted him an interview while O'Neil's comments on the notes are inserted into the text. Check out the site and pick up the books, they're extraordinary.


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