
Monday, December 06, 2004

The question is: Which one?

All The Rage is breaking the news from Fanboy Radio that Mark Millar will be writing one of three titles next year.

"And when a mysterious caller asked if he was writing Thor, Millar replied that the following Marvel titles will be receiving new creative teams: Hulk, Thor, and Fantastic Four, and that he would be writing one of those titles."

I gotta be honest, of the three titles mentioned, I'd like to see Millar on Thor. If not on Thor, then the Fantastic Four. Millar is already doing what he wants to do with the Hulk in The Ultimates. As a matter of fact, that's what the new series is focusing on for the first storyarc, along with the truth about the Ultimate Thor.

And you know who I'd love to see provide art on Thor for Millar? Dale Keown. Keown is a phenomenal artist that has really come into his own in recent years, and, truth be told, much of that artistic development for Keown was showing toward the end of his run on his creator-owned title, PITT. I think that it's time for Keown to handle a regular title, and if he does, I hope that it would be Thor.

But back to Millar possibly doing Thor, I think that it'd be a writing stretch for Millar. I've yet to see him write a full-on fantasy title in the vein of Thor. Chosen was fantasy, but not like Thor is. Thor would definitely pull Millar out of his more familiar environment of teams and superheroics. And, to be honest, I've been wanting to see Millar write more mainstream Marvel stuff. Marvel Knights: Spider-Man has been ok to me. Wolverine has been interesting. If Thor happens, maybe it'll be a home run.


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