X-Fever Redux
The pre-movie hype is obviously over, and fans across the internet are now arguing about Angel's screen time and Storm's new haircut (and countless other Last Stand facts that would no doubt require a spoiler's warning if I wanted to list them). Those of us at The Great Curve who have seen the movie are putting together a "roundtable discussion" about the movie, but in the meantime here are a couple of items taking a lighter look at the film ...
First up for anyone who saw the movie but wasn't a comic fan (or even an X-Men fan), Mike Russell has a comic strip up explaining things like who Leech is ("In the comics, I'm green and live in a sewer") and what Arin'N Haeler means:
Then we have the Landover Baptist Church site, a religious parody site, that celebrated the movie in a different way:Over two thousand Marvel comic books were snatched from the hands of teary-eyed Landover Baptist males (the ones that cried the most tended to be single and in their forties and claimed to be one call from a woman named Miss "Pamela" Anderson). The comic books were burned in a glorious fire that could be seen all the way to Winnebago County, if not Heaven itself. "It is an offering made by fire, of a sweet savor unto the LORD (Lev. 2:9)," said Pastor Deacon Fred. "The Lord loves the smell of burning books, and ignited comic books make even prettier colored flames! And some of those older editions flame quicker than a Broadway chorus boy in tap shoes. I want to thank every Godly parent who was a part of our community-wide effort to purge the plague of filth and fiction from the minds of our Christian children," he continued. Deacons who were present at the comic book burning noted that the fire was even more beautiful than last October's Harry Potter Book Burning.
Ha ha ha! The Baptists can have my X-Men comics when they pry them from my cold, dead hands ...
I have one of the desktops that first strip offers as my wallpaper now.
Also, super religious people who burn things...Insane.
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