
Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Sea Monkeys: A miracle of nature!

Older comic fans will remember a time when the newest Marvel and DC Comics featured advertisements in the back of each issue for all sorts of crazy things, including a "special breed" of brine shrimp called Sea Monkeys. Well, Sea Monkeys still exist, and Eric Johnson at the American Chronicle talks about National Sea-Monkey Day (which was yesterday):

For those of you who don’t have the date circled on your calendar, May 16th is National Sea-Monkey Day, and while I can’t honestly say George Atamian, President and Chief Operating Officer of the Amazing Live Sea-Monkeys, is in Hong Kong to celebrate the holiday – the demands of international commerce prevented him from replying to my forwarded email in time for this article – one person I KNOW is celebrating is Susan Barclay, a.k.a. “The Sea-Monkey Lady.”

Barclay runs the Sea Monkey Worship Page, and as you can probably guess, she’s REALLY into Sea-Monkeys. She’s so ga-ga over them, in fact, she’s even written a book about the little guys: THE ULTIMATE GUIDE TO SEA-MONKEYS, a 178-page tome complete with a Dungeons and Dragons-type role playing game.

For more information:


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