
Friday, March 31, 2006

Tightlip Entertainment unleashes Monster Squad this summer

Tightlip Entertainment, publisher of the upcoming title Freedom 3 this summer, has added Monster Squad to their line-up as well. From the press release:

The mysterious leader of Monster Squad, Magnus Grimoire, has gathered the misunderstood monsters: HOWLER, MERLIN, FRANKENBORG, KID MUMMY, GARGIRL, and the SPOOK to save mankind...and along the way find their own humanity.

The book is written by Rick Olney, Tightlip's publisher and writer of Freedom 3. They also shared the cover (pictured):

The cover of Monster Squad #1 pays respect to illustration legend Peter Costanza. "Peter Costanza gave me an appetite for comic book art and stories back during his era," writer of Monster Squad, Rick Olney said. "Are there any artists today that can boldly assert that? I think it is debatable. Today's artists, with few exception, cater to what they're told is the style and approach to maintaining a readership within a title. Least wise in the larger venue of making comic books."


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