Forward Thinking: ...And the Rest!
Hisham and I took a look at May's solicits for the scores of publishers who don't appear at the front of Previews every month. You can take a look at the complete text for Previews here.
Mom’s Cancer HC
Hisham: The title says it all. How do you deal with a family member who has cancer? A very difficult subject to write about.
JK: This book started as a webcomic some time ago; I read the strips online and was blown away. Since then, Brian Fies has gone on to win an Eisner for best webcomic, made a deal with an "offline" publisher and is getting all kinds of press. I’m looking forward to finally buying the collection.
Alias Enterprises LLC
The Blackbeard Legacy #1
Hisham: "Inspired by Baywatch’s Tracy Bingham." Do you need anything else to tell you what to expect from this series?
JK: Heh. Nope. Pass.
Amaze Ink/Slave Labor Graphics
Jet Pack Pets TPB
JK: Something about this title just screams out "fun."
Wonderland #1
JK: The third title in the Amaze Ink/Disney deal to debut (after Haunted Mansion and Tron, with Gargoyles waiting in the wings), this title has the potential to be pretty trippy, if they keep the source material in mind while adding to the Disney film's story. (Heh ... as I type this, I'm listening to the Clash's "Julie's Been Working for the Drug Squad.")
The Drive-In Volume 2 #1
Hisham: I’m not sure how it can be called one of "horror’s most beloved books," but Joe R. Lansdale is a good writer, so I’ll take their word for it.
JK: The first one was pretty good; it fell into the "survival horror" genre and was about a drive-in theater where the customers ended up trapped inside by an otherworldly force field. Lots of really weird stuff followed. I don’t want to give away the end, but they did set things up for a sequel.
Rich Johnston’s Holed Up #3
JK: I have the first issue of this somewhere in the bowels of my comic collection; it came out some time ago, and I thought the mini-series was canceled for some reason. Oh well. I’m sure Rich will have more about this in his column.
Warren Ellis' Apparat Volume 1 TPB
Hisham: Finally, I get to read all of those issues that I missed.Boom! Studios
Hero Squared #2, Tag #1
Hisham: I’ve got just one question. With these two new titles and his work for Marvel and DC, does Keith Giffen get any sleep?
Dynamite Entertainment
Battlestar Galactica #0
Hisham: I’m normally not a fan of TV tie-ins, but this is Battlestar Galactica! I gotta give it a look.
Army of Darkness Collection HC
Hisham: I’m also not normally a fan of movie tie-ins, but since I’ve already shown myself to be a hypocrite I’ll just mention this book as well. How can I not be interested in a movie adaptation that’s painted by John Bolton?
But I Like It HC
JK: Joe Sacco vs. rock’n’roll. Definitely worth checking out.
Hisham: Anything with Joe Sacco is worth checking out. The man is one of the great non-fiction storytellers in any medium
Castle Waiting HC
JK: Linda Medley’s awesome fantasy comic is collected, with a new final chapter. If I didn’t already own the originals, this would be a must have. An I'd be remiss not to mention the new ongoing series that Linda Medley confirmed on her website.
The Comics Journal #276
Hisham: Interviews with Terry Moore and the late Bob Haney, I hope I’ll have the time to read through them. The CJ interviews always teach me something new about the
Heroic Publishing
Roy Thomas’ Anthem # 3
Hisham: One of my earliest comic book memories was reading Roy Thomas’ work on All-Star Squadron. This title appears to follow in the tradition of All-Star, so I look forward to seeing how it turns out.
JK: I was a fan of All-Star Squadron as well! And Infinity Inc. Y’know, someone should look into bringing back Earth 2 ...
Hyperion Books
Abadazad: Books 1 & 2
Hisham: When Crossgen went under, a lot of the strongest complaints were that it meant the cancellation of Abadazad. Now it’s back and those of us who missed it the first time can take a look.IDW
Cobb #1
Hisham: If Beau Smith’s writing can keep up with Eduardo Barreto’s artwork, I’ll be a very happy man.
Local #6
Hisham: I know I’ve given a lot of love to Local in the past, but the concept for this issue sounds really good. It takes place in Brooklyn and deals with the idea of having an invisible roommate. You know, when you live with someone, but you never see them. This is definitely a story that a lot of us could relate to.
JK: I’ve been the invisible roommate, so it’ll be interesting to see things from the other perspective.
Love is a Foreign Language Omnibus Vol 1 TP
Hisham: I’ve only seen some preview pages from the series, but the theme of how people from different cultures relate to one another is one that has always interested me.
Alan Moore: The Complete Future Shock TP
Hisham: A collection of Alan Moore’s early stories for 2000AD. Since his current comic book output has slowed down, I need to get my Moore fix wherever I can find it.
Silent Devil Productions
Death Comes to Dillinger #2
Hisham: The story of Death in the Old West comes to its conclusion. Great artwork by se7enhedd.
JK: And what kind of managing editor would I be if I didn't link to Hisham's wonderful interview with the writer, James Patrick...
I'm even more pleased that HU3 is coming out than you are!
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