
Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Back in flight

You would think that the latest issue of New Avengers would have Alpha Flight fans seeing red. But over at the Alpha Waves message board, the mood is much better than expected, thanks to a brief Q&A between the board's moderator and Civil War writer Mark Millar:

I'm really using Marvel Civil War as a means of re-establishing some of the greatest, sadly missing characters from the MU. I'm very old school, despite being only thirty-six, and put this down to reading Marvel UK reprints as a kid instead of the books you guys were reading in the 80s and 90s. Thus, the period I have the biggest affection for really runs from Stan and Jack up to classic John Byrne. I'm reading all the Byrne FFs right now and loving them to pieces. I just love the Alpha Flight stuff I'm reading too and plan to end MCW with the possibility of a very good, very high profile Alpha Flight book spinning out of the series. These are great characters and it's a great concept and I want it to be treated seriously or not at all. It's in Marvel's hands what happens after MCW, but they're very keen to bring back some of the old school magic we've been missing for a while and AF is right there on my list with several other characters.

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