
Friday, February 24, 2006

20 Questions For You All For the 2/22 Comic Week

I am sure there are some spoilers involved in the following 20 questions. Feel free to answer or not - some of them ARE rhetorical, after all...

1. Is Tofurky funny?

2. Which was your favorite "Hulk gets enraged and kills someone" scene in Ultimate Wolverine vs. Hulk #2?

3. Why would Batman think punching Hal when Hal wasn't even slightly prepared for it make them "even"?

4. Which of the "Brave New World" mini-series are you looking forward to the most?

5. Is there any chance Martian Manhunter will be any WORSE than Gotham Knights?

6. Who is your favorite member of the Mouse Guard?

7. Does a Batman Utitlity Belt Replica count as business casual, if worn with dockers, a button-down shirt and a sportsjacket?

8. Can this Cassandra Nova thing possibly be for real in Astonishing X-Men? It still has to be all in Emma's head, right? Right? PLEASE?!?

9. What's your take on the whole "Even the American bad guys hate the Nazi bad guys" trope that is so evident in this piece from the excellent Captain America/Batman one-shot John Byrne did awhile back? Like it, or do you think it's TOO hokey?

10. When you wistfully think about Pantha, what music plays in YOUR mind?

11. Who else was impressed by how well Bucky fought Wolverine?

12. I know it is a bit of a choice between getting hit with an arrow or a spear, but who would you have preferred to draw Morrison's Batman? Andy or Adam?

13. At the current rate of plot progression in Astonishing X-Men, how long before we're back to the Roy Thomas/Neal Adams years?

14. Did you watch the Ultimate Avengers DVD? If so, what did you think?

15. When did Superman first fly?


16. Who do you think the mystery writing pair will be on Action Comics?

17. Did you like Dark Knight Strikes Again?

18. Do you like All Star Batman and Robin? If you like both, which do you like the best between the two?

19. Brubaker and Lark's Daredevil: Thumbs up or down?

20. Kitty Pryde or Mary Jane: Who's a cooler girlfriend?


At 2/24/2006 08:43:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

1. No

3. Batman is Charlie Murphy, Hal is Rick James. It's just the game they play.

5. Yes

8. Just ignore it, it's another story which is interesting on its own merits and Morrison's stories still happened. It's still Magneto, not Xorn in that story etc. etc. Yes, Austen and current New X-men have taught me this.

9. Depends on the American bad guy in question.

10. I am one of those sad people who never read a comic with Pantha in it.

12. Adam, by far.

13. 42

14. Nope

15. No clue, I know it was long after his first appearance.

16. Writing pair? Nunzio and Cristina??
Hope, pray?

17. Haven't read it.

18. Haven't read it.

19. Thumbs up for now.

20. Kitty

At 2/24/2006 10:07:00 AM, Blogger joncormier said...

1. It's a cheap joke, but not funny when you work with a bunch of vegans and hippies like I do.

2. I have to go with the Irish farmers.

3. Maybe Bruce was watching the Pink Panther movies.

4. Oddly enough the Freedom Fighters.

7. It counts as ridiculous casual sure.

10. Another one bites the dust.

At 2/24/2006 05:18:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

We don't know anything about mainstream/superhero comics (we prefer illegible stuff that isn't funny, like TMCM or DTWOF), but we seem to remember the cover of the first Superman comic actually being him bearing aloft one of those gorgeous old cars and flying. So if he's flying right on the cover of the first issue is the correct answer "from the start"?

At 2/24/2006 06:59:00 PM, Blogger Brian Cronin said...

He's on the ground in his first appearance.

Here's a link to the cover.

At 2/26/2006 02:30:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

20. Kitty Kitty Kitty Kitty Kitty Kitty Kitty Kitty Kitty

At 2/27/2006 10:59:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

1. Nope. If meat is so bad, why even try to imitate it?

2. There was actually something in that issue beyond Wolverine getting ripped in two and Hulk becoming the Tibetan Pimp?

3. he should have at least asked - head or gut?

4. i'd have to go with Uncle Sam. From the look of the rest of the titles though, choosing US is like asking for a kick in the nuts instead of a full castration.

5. Yep.

6. Who/what?

7. Does it match the shoes?

8. i must be the only person who was never impressed by Whedon and has a solid "no X-titles" pledge. Yep. You read that correctly... i've never been impressed by Whedon. Buffy was one step below Xena and Serenity was only missing James T Kirk as the piece of corn in that turd.

9. Watch out about dismissing Byrne as hokey? His minions might read this months later and begin accusing you of being an ugly lesbian (or a Latina hooker).

10. Who? i was convinced i wasn't missing anything between 88 and 04 (my non-comics years).

11. Bucky's the man/robot/corpse/whatever. Just imagine if he wore tights and a codpiece like Robin?

12. Can't tell much of a difference. Joe needs a better gig after Sgt Rock finishes.

13. Not an X-fan. Was one when i was 12, but i'm been on the X-wagon for 20 years now. (On that note - it would have been nice to have had those Roy Thomas/Neal Adams issues readily available in Essential collectins back then.)

14. Yes. Could have been worse, but i'm glad i didn't buy it.

15. i remember a panal from some issue with a naked flying baby (suiper bits were covered by a strategically placed nappy).

16. Don't really care.

17. Story was good, art was bad. Real bad.

18. No. But do i keep buying it issue after delayed issue? Yes. Why? i'm expecting something worth a damn to happen.

19. Up. Way up.

20. Depends on what you define as 'cool.' Looking for easy? i'd go with MJ. Ability to break your neighbors car alarm by phasing through it? Ms Pryde.

At 2/27/2006 11:11:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


2. Probably the first one, "HULK NOT IMPOTENT!"

3. Uh... was Batman prepared to get socked in the jaw by Hal in Rebirth?

4. None, really. Though Atom will be good.

8. I guess Joss hates mean girls who like sex and aren't miserable all the time. I like Emma as heroic. Saying "bad is always bad" is childish and doesn't show maturity. If I can understand that, why can't the man who signed off on the Trio do so?

9. It was more fun when Paul Sorvino did it in The Rocketeer... HOWEVER, since it was the Joker that was saying he was all-American, it kinda worked because it was so silly.

10. That Modest Mouse song.

12. Andy.

13. Nah, we're going to be stuck in the Paul Smith era. Which I consider to be the worst.

15. When he dropped acid and took those shrooms.

16. Sifl and Olly.

19. Thumbs up to other DD running around subplot. Thumbs WAY DOWN to another blatant theft from another Tom Fontana show.

20. Ultimate KP.

At 3/03/2006 04:12:00 AM, Blogger Brian Cronin said...

"3. Uh... was Batman prepared to get socked in the jaw by Hal in Rebirth?"

If I'm in the midst of an argument with some dude, and I'm ripping on him, and he turns around and socks me, I'm probably going to be taken aback a bit, but I won't be "Damn, why'd you do THAT?"

If we're sitting there talking, and the dude turns around and socks me, it's a lot different of a reaction.


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