
Monday, January 30, 2006

JMS on Civil War, Silver Surfer and Mark Millar's pink Hello Kitty jumper

Comixfan recently spoke with J. Michael Straczynski about the recent Marvel summit, where Marvel writers and editors got together to talk about the upcoming Civil War event and pick on Mark Millar:

It's really a lot of fun, and best of all, a chance to kick the crap out of Mark Millar, which is honestly the main reason for going. We all take turns because...well, he has it coming, doesn't he? But to be fair, I do think that Bendis went a bit beyond the pale when he forced Millar to wear the pink Hello Kitty jumper and speak in a really high-pitched voice all day. I think it was unfair because being in New York, I think that Mark was really looking forward to dressing in some way differently than he does at home.

He also talked about Spider-Man's role in the crossover:

Peter is our Everyman character in the Marvel universe, and he needs to be the voice of our conscience in the Marvel Civil War. He can see both sides of the argument, and his heart may be on the anti-registration side, but Tony is his friend, Tony has almost become something of a father figure, he's been great with May and MJ, and Peter is a very loyal friend, loyal almost to a fault. He's torn by what's going on, and he should be. The moment something like this becomes black-and-white we are in serious trouble.

Read the whole interview for more info and to see preview art from Book of Lost Souls and Silver Surfer.


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