
Friday, January 27, 2006

Extra 5 Questions For You All About Nextwave #1

Shockingly, I forgot to include any Nextwave #1 questions. This was a real oversight, as I enjoyed the comic, so here, as a special addendum, are five questions about Nextwave #1.

1. As the person people were most worried about, how did you think Ellis handled Monica Rambeau?

2. What percentage of the readers, do you think, even knew of the retcons that Ellis did with Monica's backstory? 2%? 10%? Or have comics become such an old man crew that it was, like, 30%?

3. What other team of superheroes do you think deserve their own theme song?

4. What do you think was the funniest line in the comic? I'm going with Dirk Anger's raw meat speech.

5. Better use of Fin Fang Foom - Nextwave #1 or Fin Fang Four #1? I'm gonna have to go with Fin Fang Four #1. MAN, did I love Fin Fang Four.


At 1/27/2006 02:09:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes! I appreciate your efforts to rectify the oversight. You, sir, do rock. I change my rating from a D to an A-, based on these five additional quetsions. (I'd give you an A, but I feel it's better to give you something to work for next week).

1. I thought he handled her very well. In fact, while the book itself -- situations, the little narrator quips, etc. -- was very tongue in cheek, I thought he handled Monica and Boom Boom very well and very close to previous versions of the characters.

2. You mean her being able to blast a dog with her energy powers as a kid ... when we all know she didn't get her powers until later in life, as we've all read her first appearance back in Avengers Annual?

God I'm pathetic.

3. Runaways. It could be, um, Runaway by Bon Jovi.

4. I like the line about Boom Boom's powers ... she has the mutant power to blow stuff up and steal stuff. Also liked the part about what happened to Monica's mom after she died.

Dirk's speech was good, too.

5. Triple F lovers unite!!!!

At 1/27/2006 03:40:00 PM, Blogger Canton said...

1. I thought Monica used to be nice. Here's a question back at you. Is Warren Ellis capable of writing nice, well-adjusted characters? Just curious.

2. That dog scene confused the heck out of me.

5. Depowered human-sized Fin Fang Foom as an irascible chef versus Fin Fang Foom as giant irascible sex-starved monster? My vote goes to the Fin Fang Four Foom. Krypto-revisionism time, methinks.

At 1/27/2006 06:56:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have no clue who Monica Rambeau is or was or ever will be, and I don't think it's ever going to matter, and for these reasons and more I was able to appreciate Nextwave as the pure lump of fun that it was as opposed to going "NNNGGNGNGNGNG! My continuity-sense is tingling - TO THE NERDMOBILE!"

At 1/27/2006 07:46:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

In answer to canton:

Detective Fell seems like a pretty nice, well-adjusted person. He might have some baggage, but that doesn't equal screwed up.

And Vita Sevren from Transmetropolitan.

And most of the characters in Ministry of Space were normal (if not always nice).

And most people in Planetary aren't that screwed up or nasty. Just the bad guys. . and Snow.

Huh, going over this I realize Ellis isn't quite as limited as some would have you think. . . .


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