
Friday, January 27, 2006

20 Questions For You All For the 1/25 Comic Week

I am sure there are some spoilers involved in the following 20 questions. Feel free to answer or not - some of them ARE rhetorical, after all...

1. Am I misremembering, or did Brian Michael Bendis have Robbie Robertson use the "Do that and I quit" routine in BOTH this week's New Avengers AND this week's Pulse?

2. How come Robbie DIDN'T quit after Jonah did the exact thing Robbie said he would quit if Jonah did?

3. I understand that Marvel is not currently a proponent of the whole "See Avengers #---" editorial caption, but if you do not want to do that, then you really shouldn't then have stuff like the Pulse issue referencing the events of the Avengers issue, right?

4. How is Dale Gunn still alive in the DCU? Do you think it is because he just doesn't answer his pager when crises occur? Smart man. That's why the ladies love him.

5. My pal Michael is at it again - last week, he wanted to know about Mallah's ear, now he wants to know..."First Mallah grew his ear back, now Fatality's severed ears are healed! What is up with DC villains regrowing ears?"

6. In the latest Sea of Red, who is telling the truth, Joel or Ian? I vote Joel.

7. I can't be the only one who read X-Men: Deadly Genesis #3 and thought of the Poochy episode of Simpsons, can I?

8. Adventures of Superman #648 and Wonder Woman #225 - Which comic advanced the plot less?

9. What was your favorite Hostess comic book ad?

10. Can you believe that Grant Morrison and Gene Ha are going to be doing Authority? What is this, 2001?

11. Can you think of a freakier example of placing great talents on a property that has lost any heat it once had? To me, it is as bad as putting Neil Gaiman and Charles Vess on G.I. Joe Special Missions, but I am sure you folks can come up with a freakier ACTUAL example from comic book history than Morrison and Ha taking over Authority.

12. Okay, take a look here at the following cover to Amazing Spider-Man #529.

Now here's the question...we've seen Identity Crisis #1, where the coffin is a phallus, but have you ever seen a cover with TWO phallus-looking objects?!?! The talon AND the pinky!!

13. Why the heck are they killing off Foggy Nelson? I get the idea of needing to have some reason for Matt Murdock to really really not want to be in prison right now, but why not just kill off Milla?

14. Show of hands, who likes Milla in Daredevil?

15. Do you think Barbara Gordon should stay in a wheelchair?


16. Robbie Robertson from the Daily Bugle or Robbie Robertson from the Band - Who do you like better?

17. If the Shaggy Man's body regenerates, how come he didn't grow his hair back when the General took over his body?

18. Who was your favorite Justice League Detroit member among the new team members?

19. Why is Ms. Marvel's blog (see New Avengers #15) set up so that each paragaph gets its own entry?

20. Who is yout favorite non-Invincible member of Image's team, The Pact? Firebreather, Shadowhawk or Zephyr?


At 1/27/2006 08:06:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I like Milla.

At 1/27/2006 09:21:00 AM, Blogger joncormier said...

12 - I think maybe the talon is a turd - comments about the new costume being a piece of shit purely coincidental, by the way.

16 - The Band - watch The Last Waltz and you'll understand. They are pure rock and roll greatness and probably the best actual musicians of that era of rock and roll. Plus they're mostly Canadian and were listed as one of the ten essential American rock bands somewhere.

At 1/27/2006 09:57:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

1. I'm not sure where the Avengers end and the Pulse begins anyway. Have you noticed that between Avengers, Spider-Man and Pulse, the new Avengers tower is pretty much the focal point of anything that happens now in the Marvel Universe now?

2. They're sleeping together, and it would have been awkward.

3. It's all the same comic anyway. They should just rename the Pulse "Avengers featuring Jessica Jones" and call it a day.

4. Damn skippy.

5. Maybe you need new friends?

6. Joel sounds like he would be a good friend for you.

7. I think this is the worst 20 Questions ever. Who cares about X-Men or Avengers? They're so 1963. Nextwave is where it's at. Don't you have any Nextwave questions? Feh.

8. I didn't read either. That makes me smarter than the rest of you!

9. The Preacher one.

10. If it was 2001, Authority would still kick ass. They don't.

11. Gaiman and Vess on GI Joe ... hahahahahahaha!!!!! Ok, this isn't the worst 20 Questions ever. My apologies for doubting you.

12. Speaking of needing new friends, I think Spider-Man needs to re-examine his friendship with Tony Stark. Let's face it -- Stark wants MJ. Who wouldn't? And there's no way billionaire playboy is going to let goofball photographer keep her. His first volley in the war? Giving Spider-Man a stupid-looking costume. Oh yes, MJ will be his ...

13. Because who cares about Milla?

14. (dead silence)

15. Yes.

16. Do you think Fin Fang Foom should go by "Triple F" instead?

17. What? You're losing me again ...

18. In the comic, Gypsy. In subsequent appearances, Vixen.

19. Apparently BMB doesn't know how a blog works. He should stick his head out of his ritzy mansion every once in awhile and go check the internet to see what real life is all about.

20. My favorite Nextwave member is probably Boom Boom, though Capt. Marvel is pretty cool, too.

You do realize you have NO questions here about Fin Fang Foom, right? I have to give this edition of 20 Questions a D. You'd be in F territory if it wasn't for the thought of Gaiman and Vess on point for a Sgt. Slaughter meets the Fridge William Perry team-up. Yo Joe!!!!!!!

At 1/27/2006 01:33:00 PM, Blogger Brian Cronin said...

I will cop to it.

That's an excellent point. I do not know why I missed Nextwave #1. I enjoyed it.

I will address this outrage presently.

At 1/27/2006 03:54:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

21. Should Brian Cronin be allowed to make fun of the way somebody else uses paragraph breaks?


(I kid because I love, Brian... heh heh)

At 1/27/2006 04:23:00 PM, Blogger Brian Cronin said...

It took me way too long to get that joke. You should have used that answer in response to #19 so I did not waste those 5 seconds figuring out what the joke was in reference to!!!

At 1/28/2006 03:50:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

4. Even the writers who mow down DC's heroes by the dozens respect the Gunn.

At 1/28/2006 12:07:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

When's the last time we saw Dale Gunn? And do we in fact have confirmation that he has a pager?

Just sayin'...

At 1/28/2006 04:12:00 PM, Blogger Brian Cronin said...

Well, think about it, Gunn was good friends with Sue Dibney, but he did not attend her funeral.

Because Gunn is too smart, he knows big events like these are not good times for fifth-stringer characters to show their faces.

At 1/28/2006 08:32:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

1. Yes. Why he doesn't, I'll never know.

2. I dunno. Bendis sometimes things 17 months takes place over less than six.

3. Agree.

4. Who?

7. Nope.

8. Greg Rucka, he be the suck.

9. The one with Thor. Because Hostess pies in Asgard is screwed up.

10. And if we're lucky, issue #6 will come out by 2010.

11. Jeff Parker on Kickers Inc.

13. Because Ed Brubaker confuses relentless dirge of bad Things Hapepning with emotiaonl truth.

14. One the one hand, I'd like to say I like her to annoy Johanna Carlson, on the other, she's a cipher.

16. Bill Nunn is a better actor than Robbie Robertson.

19. Albert Deschesene wasn't paying attention?

20. Zephyr.


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