20 Questions For You All for 11/30
I am sure there are some spoilers involved in the following 20 questions. Feel free to answer or not - some of them ARE rhetorical, after all...
1. Was the ending of Incredible Hulk #89 supposed to be shocking? Really? It was? Seriously?
2. Who else is kinda freaked out that Greg Rucka, for his Ruin revelation, is using recent Superman continuity as his basis? I mean, Emil Hamilton?! That can't be THE revelation, can it?
3. I have always wanted to read a depressing Mr. Mxyzptlk (as "magic imp from another dimension" and "depressing realism" go hand in hand) story, but I never knew I'd finally get the chance! Who else has shared this dream?
4. "Rom Love" - A joke or for real?
5. The whole "She can't read Spider-Man and Iron Man's lips" thing from New Avengers. cool idea...but was it present in the previous issues of this storyline?
6. How is Chamber still alive in Generation M?!?!?
7. Wouldn't an ABSOLUTE Crisis story have the tie-ins? What kind of "absolute" collection is filled with "Read ____ #--- next!"?
8. Don't you think having Luke Cage have Black Panther posters on his cell wall in prison is a bit much?
9. How neat is it to see Bill Willingham drawing a regular book again? Nice art.
10. Before the latest Batman, who remembered that there were two Hyenas?
11. Will Byrne's Doom Patrol make a SINGLE appearance before the next new Doom Patrol?
12. How long will it take before Geoff Johns officially writes Byrne's Doom Patrol out of DC continuity?
13. If Rucka was not specifically addressing the fact with his Checkmate ongoing, would any writer, of his or her own free will, use Sasha?
14. Are they adding "and the Legion of Superheroes" to Supergirl's title, or are they adding "Supergirl and the" to the Legion of Superheroes title?
15. If it is the latter, then they should do that to many titles. Supergirl is selling too well to not use her out! So how about "Supergirl and Aquaman," "Supergirl and Manhunter," or, my favorite, "Supergirl and 100 Bullets." Wouldn't you want to collect at least five copies of each?!
16. Does Clark Kent wear the same socks when he changes into his Superman outfit?
17. How much clothing does Spider-Man have to have on before he can no longer stick to stuff?
18. What comic book character do you enjoy the most in their animated form over their comic book version?
19. Who was the better sixth member of the Roger Stern Avengers? Starfox or Namor?
20. Who was your favorite character in this week's Amazing Fantasy #15?
For #14, DiDio never said that Supergirl's book was ending or changing, only that "the future is about to get more exciting in the newly titled Supergirl and the Legion of Superheroes". See my Legion blog on 11/30 for some possibilities of who Supergirl might be.
I'm way too freaked out by that "ROM & Me" Web page to answer questions this week. If you need me, I'll be curled up in a fetal position on the bathroom floor.
Don't pee on me.
13. Man, good point. She's such a garbage, Rucka-ish character. "Look, I'm a tough-as-nails chick who can do anything the boys can, look out, world!"
1. Well, Uh... I guess?
4. For real.
5. No, but it wasn't necessary in those parts of the story, I don't think. The actual storyline is good, even if the Ronin revelation blows.
6. Especially since he was cured in Weapon X, and a rig was built to contain his energy blasts? Yes, I know he was ol' skool Chamber in Runaways, but they didn't explain that there, did they?
7. Indeed.
8. Not to mention silly. I have a hard time seeing a young Cage hero worshipping.
12. By issue #5 of IC, though I think there's an interesting story to be mined from Beast Boy and Rita reuniting.
13. No, because she's the usual humorless, overly serious, dragged over broken glass female Rucka protagonist who has repressed lesbian tendencies. Only he finds that interesting. Thank God.
14. What I dunno is, why not make it Superboy? Who the hell cares at this point?
15. I'd Buy I'm the Goddamned Supergirl.
16. Does Superman even wear socks?
17. One layer, I think.
18. The Goddamned Batman.
19. Namor, the Sub-Mareeeen-er!
20. Hmmm, probably the protonic girl in the McKeever story, followed by the weirdass Way story. I would have bought the issue, but I still see hypocrisy in the man who wrote She-Hulk #12- "HOW DARE YOU QUESTION OUR CONTINUTITY WHAT WE SAY IS GOLDEN" writing a story answering "Who was in Spider-Man's armpit?"
5. Yes, in that none of them ever really tried to talk with her before this. My questions: (1) are they even going to bother explaining why she's wearing what I would call a clever plastic man costume? (2) Has Bendis's entire concept behind this series been "How much stupid shit can I get away with as long as I've got Spiderman and Wolverine in this book?"
6. Hell if I know. All I can say is that one day I'd like to see a "New Mutant" actually graduate to the goddamn X-Men instead of dying, getting shunted off to a third-tier team, or getting shunted off into obscurity. The biggest damn problem with the X-titles is that nothing fucking changes. The same old dead farts always come back while the young blood washes away into the gutter.
7. How many volumes would that kind of "Absolute Crisis" be?
8. Most of Hudlin's Black Panther has been a bit much. But I'll give him this: he made Batroc the Leaper pretty cool.
9. How much neater would it be if he were drawing a good comic instead of the craptastic Shadowpact?
13. No.
14. No idea, but I'll be dropping Legion either way when it happens.
18. Superman for a starring character, Hawkman for an origin, and Mr. Freeze still has to take the grand prize. The comics have spent the last decade trying to turn their version of Freeze into the Timm/Dini version, and still haven't managed somehow.
1. Didn't read it. Didn't care.
2. What is a Ruin?
3. What are you talking about?
skipping to one i can answer.
9. Meh.
10. Mark Waid, for one.
11. Hopefully not.
12. Where is the Morrison DP?
13. Two words: Scott Beatty.
14. Hmmmm. The book that's the hardest to sell to the public will go second. So, on that note, its a tie.
15. Supergirl and the Giantsize Man Thing
16. Superman doesn't wear socks. Or underpants.
17. Didn't he wear armor once?
18. Elongated Man. Only because there's no Plastic Man on JLU. And Piven is the man. Hug it out, bitch.
19. Starfox, though really, he should be a DC Character.
20. C'mon dude, stop it.
8. Probably not. Who else in the Marvel universe is gonna be his role model?
18. Currently, Green Arrow in the JLU cartoon(goddamn that Winnick...)
20. Monstro
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