
Thursday, July 07, 2005

New Form of Life Imminent?

It's been over two years since that fabulous Grant Morrison conversation with Paul Gravett (excerpt here) and now it seems his wish to have sex with a sentient DC Universe will finally come true. Now that he's been made DC's "revamp guy", apparently a guiding force of the characters in the DCU post Infinite Crisis, and with his Seven Soldiers series of mini-series firmly having left the primordial soup of creativity, he is poised to have a direct affect on what path the DC Universe's impending sentience takes. LSD is so cool! Um...actually, you kids ignore that last sentence. Anyway, there are a few comics writers that I follow from project to project, Peter David and Brian K. Vaughan are two that leap to mind, but a mismatched artist or concept that doesn't immediately grab me can make me think twice about their books. However, I buy anything Grant writes, no questions asked. The artist could be a four year old armed with a magic marker, but if it's written by Grant, it's on my pull list. I think Animal Man gave me Grant's acid flashbacks, that's how much it played with my young mind. His New X-Men run was the best ever handling of Marvel's Merry Mutants and they should've closed down the X-Men franchise when he left. And his Doom Patrol still whispers sweet surrealness in the back of my dreams. So, here's to Grant Morrison becoming DC Comics' new demi-god of rationalized abstract creativity. The DCU will be a much cooler place for it.


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