
Tuesday, July 19, 2005

Meaty Cheesecake Redux

A while back I posted on this blog about Devil's Due's Evil Ernie re-launch and used it to springboard into some general musing about a trend I've noticed. Seems several publishers are trying to tell serious stories about characters that have traditionally been dismissed (and usually justifiably so) as nothing more than T&A.

Shortly after I posted that I got an email from Bon Alimagno, Editor of the Vampirella books for Harris. He just wanted to give me his perspective on it, we got to talking back and forth, and he agreed to let me post the conversation at Comic World News. Which I have.

It was cool talking with Bon about this and we both enjoyed it enough that we'll be doing it again on some other topic. Please go read. There's also some cool news about Harris's continued plans for Vampirella.


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