
Tuesday, May 24, 2005

Screw Early Retirement

Returning to a theme I struck when I first began writing at TGC, here is my list of very underutilized comic book writing talent. Not that they are not working, not doing good work someplace, or not involved in a creative industry, mind you. This is entirely about listing people I would like to see turning down additional work in the comic book industry because they are so busy within it.

WRITERS:: Who should be writing and being published in the comics industry upon a monthly basis

Bill Messner Loebs

He wrote quality stories at most publishers. His work as a writer as well as cartoonist filled the 1980s and early 1990s. And then, work dried up. It surely was not due to poor writing. His work on Wonder Woman and Flash are my favorites but his range as a writer is rather broad. I know that if he were to be given a monthly book or three I would be buying them.

Tony Isabella

He is a fine columnist, reviewing and talking politics, but what he should be doing is writing comics. At Marvel DC and Topps his works were fun to read and filled with great character and true heroism. I like all sorts of his work, but the character Black Lightning that he created has had two runs, each of them quite good. I think the time is right for a return of Tony Isabella.

Mike Baron

Writer of Badger, Nexus, Flash, Punisher and oodles more. Baron has written in most every genre within the comics industry, and, his work has a following. He writes with an agenda of entertaining, with humor and action. But maybe we have too much of that in comics right now right? What? NO? Aw Shi....

Mike Barr

The writer of some of the best Batman stories ever, wonderful team adventures, Star Trek, and more... Mike Barr is in the curious position of having compiled a great library of past works, and yet, seems to not be able to be arrested in the comics industry. I find it amazing as there is no issue in my mind with ability on his part, or in interest on the part of readers.


There are all sorts of reasons why some writers are not currently working, they may have moved on, the publisher might not be interested in their level of quality of work, there might well be personality issues between editors and the writers. But I think a constant in the comics industry is Ageism and the process of devouring the aged in order to appear new and edgy. And I think that that sucks.


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