
Friday, May 06, 2005

Odds and Ends

I suppose that MTV is as good a place as any to debut a new trailer for Batman Begins. Go check it out. From MTV:

""Batman Begins" is the fifth (or the sixth, if we count last year's execrable "Catwoman") installment in the big-screen franchise, and all indications are that this entry will be as much a journey into Bruce Wayne/Batman's psyche and his tortured past as it will be a high-budget, blow-'em-up thriller."

Let's NOT count Catwoman, shall we?


Mike Wieringo has been drawing up a storm on his blog, doing sketches foe his new Spider-Man series that was to be co-created with Mark Waid.

Not gonna happen. And now I'm a bit pissed.

Peter David announced he will be writing the new series, still to be drawn by Ringo, THANK GOD!

Why, Waid? Why?

Ok, this is going to sound really smart ass, but I have to ask: How does writing a comic book adversely affect your physical health??

I'm a bit upset, Waid. Get well soon though.

Mmmmmmm. Yummy.


Oh, James, you don't have to shut up at all, but it may help if you put a bit more thought into what you say. S'all I'm saying.


I had the strangest sense of deja vu when I read New Avengers #5 yesterday. Figured out what it reminded me of: old school X-Force, back when Nicieza and Liefeld were on it. Crazy, I know.


Anybody here really wanting Bucky to come back?


Look, there's no way around it: this is a MAJOR SCREW-UP. I wish more publishers would learn the value of what is commonly called "stockpiling" here in America, where you actually have product in hand to sell to consumers before you go and hype it to kingdom come. It'd really help to decrease the number of times that publishers are left standing with their pants wrapped around their ankles.


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