
Sunday, April 24, 2005

The Week at the Curve

Week of April 17, 2005

This was a huge week of announcements and confirmations, so that's where I'll kick this little update off. Here's what you need to know about and should keep an eye out for as quasi-arbtrarily ordered in countdown format by yours truly:

5) Brandon Routh as the new Supes - Little did we all know that Warner Bros. had kept a back-up clone of Christopher Reeves lying around in a backlot somewhere just waiting to be unleashed for the next Superman movie. It does my heart good to know that he cut his acting chops on one of my favorite series of all time - MTV's "Undressed."

4) Dollar classics from Marvel - This is really brilliant. Though if I had my way, all of this stuff that only sells on collector's markets would be available for readability over the internet. Offering the first Spider-Man and Avengers appearances for less than my evening slushy from Circle K gets two thumbs up.

3) Fanboys in the dictionary - Coming soon to an OAD near you.

2) Lawsuits by royal families against Marvel - Okay, so it's not like anyone has really taken legal action yet, but Marvel definitely stepped on some very pedigreed toes with this Magneto image.

1) BKV lending his pen to The Amazing Adventures of the Escapist - The series, while a brilliant idea from the beginning, has consistently fell short of its potential for far too long now. Getting Vaugn on here may in fact give the storyboards their very own deus ex machina.

And that's the big news. Other rumblings worth notice this week included a look at our own contributor Hisham Zubi, a groan from the depth of my splein about Paul Jenkins' new project, and some hot new preview covers from the crossover series you always wanted to see.

As for this week's discussion board award, my browser has taken to now liking Haloscan for some reason; so I'm going to have to deny you the gratification of recognition for your snide remarks this week. My humblest apologies. Keep on riding the Curve in the meantime though, and I'll see you back here next week. Same Curve time. Same Curve URL.


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