
Saturday, April 23, 2005


Yesterday the world got its first look at newcomer Brandon Routh in the Superman costume. I have to say I’m impressed by the updated threads. Costume designer Louise Mingenbach kept the classic feel of the Superman suit but she also revamped it by using darker colors, attaching a smaller, 3-dimensional chest emblem and creating an “S” symbol belt.

So, now the question is whether or not Superman fans will accept the changes, minor as they are? I’ve already started reading complaints about the new digs from comic fans on the internet and hearing them at my comic shop. If the overwhelming sentiment is that the new suit doesn’t fly, will the studio consider a change? We’ve seen the kind of influence our little geek nation can have on a developing superhero film. When the original Superman screenplay by Alias creator J.J. Abrams was leaked on the Internet last year there was a huge backlash over the liberties he took with the origin and the characters. That script was promptly scrapped after fans cried foul. But then again, everyone hated the Catwoman costume and the producers went with it anyway.

Personally I don’t think there will be any kind of overwhelming rejection of the new supersuit like there was for Halle’s shredded pants. There just isn’t much for the traditionalists to grumble about, even though I'll probably read things like, "The S-shield is too small to inspire hope!" However, assuming the majority of fans do accept the new design, I can’t help but think of another question: Will the Superman Returns costume inspire any changes to the comic book version?


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